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Author Topic: Layout advice needed  (Read 1400 times)


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Layout advice needed
« on: December 14, 2009, 12:47:53 PM »
I have a 15lb Nomad that I want to get drilled to compliment one I already use, but my driller says that this new ball has the wrong specs for the layout I want.  The ball has a 2 3/4" pin and 3.16 oz top-weight.  I want to have it drilled pin up, with a 4" or 4.5" pin-to-pap, with about a 1.5"-2" pin buffer, and I prefer to be able to add a weight hole if needed to tune it.  He also says that Roto requires a gap of at least 1/2" between pin and any hole for warranty purposes.  My PAP is 4 1/2" over by 1/4" up, and my speed is right around 14-14.5 at the pins, I come up the side with medium revs and good tilt.

So, do I need another ball with a longer pin, or will this one work?  If it does work, any downside effects from this layout and these ball specs, such as a required monster weight hole or something like that?  

For what it's worth, my other ball is drilled 2 5/8 (pin) x 2 5/16 (cg), which puts the pin beside my ring finger and ever so slightly up (1/8"), and the CG basically stacked below.  There is a 7/8" hole 3/4" down from my PAP and 1/8" past the VAL, pitched away.  I get a nice, sharp reaction from this layout, and I'm hoping the proposed longer pin layout for the new ball would get it a little further down lane than my first Nomad, but still keep the same strong angular turn.  I would then go to this ball after the heads are gone and the first Nomad is turning too soon.



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Re: Layout advice needed
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2009, 02:21:29 AM »
Second that - surface first, it is the best way to change a ball reaction one a ball is punched up. If that does not suffice, you might chanhe the balance hole for fine tuning (flare), e. g. moving it higher, above the PAP, for a milder reaction.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany

the pooh

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Re: Layout advice needed
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2009, 09:09:05 AM »
I see what your driller is concerned about. A longer pinned ball would make it easier to get the statics legal and give you the layout you want. For what you want, a 5" pin would be ideal,if you can find one!
the pooh
the pooh