I'd like your layout and ball choice feedback to help me choose one or two balls in an effort to improve my past performances at Nationals... I bowl this year on 6/13.
Bowler statistics:
Hand - Left
Speed - 17.5 at the foul line
Rev rate - 250
Rotation - Typically > 60
Tilt - 11 degrees
Surface - Nationals
Speed dominant
PAP - 5 x 1
I plan to take a Theory I just had drilled, although it's been a general disappointment on heavy patterns so far. It is drilled 65 x 5 x 60, which I realize now was probably a bad choice. As you have probably guessed from my statistics, it is a very mellow and smooth roll for me. I plan to take the Theory and give it a fair chance, but I have two other slots in the bag that I consider to be totally open for discussion.
I am not looking for a magic solution, but it would be nice going to Reno knowing that I've at least laid out my equipment in an optimal fashion to deal with the conditions.
Many thanks in advance.
Signature? I dont need no stinking signature...