Alright, so here's the skinny: I'm having trouble with a few layouts. My coach has gotten me to switch from 5 to 4 steps, has improved my mechanics and freed up my arm swing a lot. Doing this has created more ball speed and a more direct line to the pocket than I was playing...which I like a lot. I had a few balls drilled 6 inches pin to PAP, and I had to get one of them plugged due to how erratic their reactions were. My Neptune would either go straight as an arrow or turn on a left blinker and kill the guy on the lane to my left. I'm getting it plugged and drilled with a bit less backend (okay, a lot less backend).
I've also been a huge fan of my pin under balls. They're a lot easier to control, and a lot easier for me to understand. I know when they work so much easier than my pin-up stuff. Would it be "wrong" to drill everything pin under? I was thinking of redoing my Neptune with a pin on or near axis drilling, and I want to plug my Storm T-Road Pearl and drill it to roll sooner...I was thinking 4.5 - 5 pin to PAP, on the midline or a tad above it.
I'm a right-handed stroker, I don't know my rev rate but if I had to guess it's between 250-275, 15-17 MPH is my more comfy areas, I have a very forward roll so I think that means lower axis tilt. That is all the stats I know of myself.
Obviously, you aren''t a golfer.
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