Its not I can't clear the heads its more the mid-lane that kills me, like around the 35 ft mark my ball just hits the first sign of friction and hooks.
The patterns are around 41' THS medium- medium heavy (when fresh), but to be honest I have trouble getting the ball far enough down the lane on PBA shots a lot of times.
I usually have a good look to start play around 27 with the feet 15 at the arrows to about 7 at the breakpoint. I can usually make a 3 and 2 board adjustment late first game and it'll will last till about half-way through the 2nd game. Then this is where I can only seem to find a consistent look hooking the lane playing about 25 or so at the arrows with something stronger. I'd be around 20 to 7 with a Link fighting 9 pins/flat 10 pins. Anything right of that I am looking at the ball grabbing too much in the mids. It just seems the more left I move the more it hooks.
I'll find out my tilt in the next few days and let you know. I don't have a prosec here but from what I can tell I'd say its around 10 degrees.
Not sure on the angles again on the Link, but its around 5 x 4 1/2 2 1/2" pin buffer. I can find that out for you and give you that info this week. Everything I throw wants to hook the second it reaches I have tried several surfaces (2000,4000,4000 polished and 500 polished). The more surface the worse it gets but even with a good coat of polish I am struggling to get the ball down past 35'. Unless I move to at least middle arrow then I am fighting the 9 pins and 10 pins scenerio.
For more reference my Lunatic drilled 4 3/4 x 3 pushes me even deeper and is even worse getting it through the mids. I just don't want to be that deep. Also, I throw a friends Natural and that thing hooks at my feet, but is the best look I can get staying right cause it has literally no backend. I tried a pin on axis drilling didn't help much though. Ball still checked up way to early.
I am thinking about going about 6 1/2" pin to axis pin above and left of middle finger and mass bias about an inch left of the thumb on a Clutch Pearl but I am really at a loss. I will get you the other info though.