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Author Topic: Layout Question  (Read 4330 times)


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Layout Question
« on: February 05, 2010, 01:15:47 PM »
So first off I haven't had my PAP checked in a while, gonna do that this week and make sure its still the same. As of last time I checked its 4 3/8 over 3/8 down. Also, I am not positive on what my axis tilt is but I would say it is low. Another thing I plan on checking this week coming up.

Now here is my issue, I can't seem to get the ball through the midlane after the first transition of the night. No matter which house the outside dries from people playing out and I am stuck not being able to get the ball down the lane. I am not looking for any ball suggestions just layout for this.  I am almost positive that this would be from low axis tilt..?? But I can't even get my Link down the lane and its drilled 5" to axis MB in the thumb.



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Re: Layout Question
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2010, 12:00:05 PM »
Ok, maybe I'll give the 2x4 a try again. I tried this drill before and I couldn't carry anything, but maybe it was the wrong ball to do it on. I tried it on a One and shined it up pretty good.