Yeah, low trackers usually have troble getting the ball into a forward roll. They create revs rather in a sense of spin - which lets the ball skid very long. Big trouble on long/heavier oil.
For such players, a strong layout like stacked leverage is IMO a good option. A strong cover and a low RG core with a big differential is also helpful, a strong MB can also help get the core into a stable roll quickly, esp. when higher speed is involved. Adding surface can also help, but this also bears the risk that an inpropely drilled ball just bleeds energy too early due to friction, so I'd rather chose a strong ball basis, set it up for the player and then make surface adjustments for final fine tuning.
At its day, I remember MoRich's Total Shock & Awe to be called "spinner's dream ball" - and I have seen many low trackers using Mo's equipment (also more modern stuff) successfully - where higher trackers are already retreating to mild balls due to the earlier reaction through the different release.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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