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Author Topic: Enriched Uranium Layout?  (Read 1530 times)


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Enriched Uranium Layout?
« on: February 13, 2006, 05:25:33 AM »
Sometime in the next couple days I am punching up one of these.  This seems to be one of the hit or miss Lane#1 balls...  either people have loved them or hated them....  Typically when I encounter these types of balls, I like to collect as much feedback as possible AND generally stick to what has worked for me in the past.  I have tried several layouts with saws and have always had my best luck with a simple label layout with pin somewhere around the ring finger area...  With my PAP, this is generally around 4" pin to PAP distance (around a 4X5 layout).  Has anyone tried this with the EU?  There seems to a few posts using 4X4 stacked layouts as well, but little feedback.  For anyone who owns this ball, or for anyone who has drilled this ball up, which seem to roll the best for people?

-Strapper Squared

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Re: Enriched Uranium Layout?
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2006, 01:38:58 PM »
Probably 4 x 5 is good i notice saw cores like to be tilted either direction, the hit seems to pickup when the cores are not at 90 degrees. Just something i have noticed in my owning about 15-20 of them over the last 6 years or so.


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Re: Enriched Uranium Layout?
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2006, 01:41:56 PM »
My drilling is 4 1/2 x 4 1/4 for me the ball retains well and has decent hit, not my favorite saw of all time but an ok ball. I like the tsumani alot better out of the box polished, i am hoping for a ball like the megatons soon. I am not paying over 200 bucks for any saw without drilling period though.


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Re: Enriched Uranium Layout?
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2006, 01:58:36 PM »
I have one with a 3" pin, and just had it drilled up this last weekend. I went with the pin right on the center grip line (directly below the fingers), and the CG kicked a little to the right with a weight hole in the upper thumb quadrant.

I already have both of the other Uraniums (Solid and Pearl). They're both 1.5" pins, with 1:30 label leverage drills in the center of the grip. Both balls want to set up early and finish with a hard arc.

I figured the Enriched would give me the same heavy early roll pattern, possibly with more backend, but I guessed wrong. This ball reacts more like a Golden Nugget than the other Uraniums -- more length, and the ball just turns hard left when it hits the dry. The very shiny particle/pearl cover seems to override the low-RG diamond core.

It wasn't what I was looking for, but the ball has it's use. For instance, the alley had set up a pair with the National shot, and I was striking consistently standing 24, and playing a tight shot crossing the arrows at 13. When the Enriched hit the dry backend, it didn't seem to overreact and go through the nose -- just a nice controlled transition.

Conversely, on the wet/dry house shot, it was a little more hit and miss. I found the best line was up the boards. The ball was awsome when I hit my speed and release correctly. However, if I tugged and caught too much oil, the ball wouldn't recover; if I hit the dry too early or put too much on it, the ball took off. I think my best use for this ball will be on tournament blocks where things are breaking down, and the best path is tighter up the outside.

I generally don't match up well with any pearl/particle -- because of over/under characteristics -- so it's not fair for me to slam the EU. It probably wasn't the brightest purchase for me to make given my history with this type of cover. I just had so many good experiences with the previous Uraniums, I had to give this one a try.

"Sometimes, the best move is the one we don't make"


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Re: Enriched Uranium Layout?
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2006, 02:01:54 PM »
I have a tsunami with the same type of layout.. pin between and under fingers and mb out... and have seen similar reaction as you described with the EU...  touchy on a house shot... better on a flatter pattern.
-Strapper Squared

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