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Author Topic: Excessive right pitch?  (Read 2020 times)


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Excessive right pitch?
« on: April 09, 2009, 07:41:44 AM »
I am doing some research and found this site:

The bottom illustration is what my thumb looks like.  I have 1/8 left in my thumb, so if the illustration says "excessive right pitch", then do I increase left lateral?  By how much?  Is there a rule?  I'm also at 1/8 reverse, do I scale when I pitch left?

Suggestions?  Trying to get my thumb pain free.  Thanks.



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Re: Excessive right pitch?
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2009, 04:46:36 PM »
Yes, you would move further left.  How much?  Depends on your thumb hinge.  Without being able to read your hand I'd suggest trying 1/4 left first.  I seldom run into anyone that needs more than 1/4 lateral in either direction.  You should not need to change your reverse pitch if you're releasing the ball well now.  The additional left pitch will make it a little easier to get out of the thumb while staying behind the ball, but I wouldn't expect it to be enough to require less reverse.  And I assume you've eliminated the hole being too small, existence of a rough spot in the hole in that area, and insufficient bevel in that area as causes.  --  JohnP


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Re: Excessive right pitch?
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2009, 08:12:59 AM »
Had the same problem(although never had pain) and went from 1/8 left to 1/4 left as JohnP suggested and my callous problem in that area was solved. Kept the 1/8 reverse the same also. It's amazing how you think you are getting out the ball okay and then a small pitch change and you wonder how you ever bowled well before.
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