IQ Tour Solid and HyRoad are great compliments without breaking the bank. Depending on how the pattern plays, front to back, you could go Hysteria and OutCry/WipeOut. I would recommend one shiny and one dull piece since you are mainly rolling on ths. And with what Storm/Roto currently have available, you can compliment in many different ways depending on what you are looking for reaction wise.
Angular dull: Sinister, Zero Gravity, IQ Tour Solid(can be smooth with layout), HyRoad Solid, Disturbed
Smoother Dull: Hyper Cell, Asylum, Marvel S, Rumble, WipeOut, OutCry
Angular Shiny: Byte, IQ Tour Pearl, Deranged, HyRoad Pearl, UpRoar, Punch Out
Smoother Shiny: Totally Defiant, Hysteria, Optimus (can be Angular), Marvel Pearl, IQ Tour Fusion, HyRoad, Lights Out
thus is how I see most of the line up. Some will agree and some will disagree. Different releases and Rev rates/ball speed will move some balls around on the list. For me the Sinister isn't as angular but does change direction quicker than most dull asymms. The IQ Tour Solid for instance can fit angular or smooth depending on layout and surface. It is a great dull benchmark that I would recommend for every style. I hope some of this helps!