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Author Topic: Lessened the span...  (Read 2549 times)


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Lessened the span...
« on: November 18, 2003, 02:57:58 AM »
I bought a new ball and showed the guy at the pro shop my old ball and he told me the span seemed a bit long.  I said it seemed comfortable but told him to do what he thought was right.  So he drilled the span a bit smaller and I can't get the grip I want and my thumb goes all the way in the hole which left a blister at the base and top part of my thumb.  I think the span is too small.  Should I bring the ball back and tell the guy to make the span bigger?  I prefer the span on my old ball.  The grip is just fine on that one.  Thanks


Jerry Weller

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Re: Lessened the span...
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2003, 06:20:34 PM »
That is a tough question for anybody to answer without seeing your hand but I'll take my best shot.

Your thumb is SUPPOSED to go all the way into the ball. A callous developing around the web would be normal, but the blister at the top of your thumb doesn't sound normal at all. Have another driller check your hand and fit.


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Re: Lessened the span...
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2003, 07:14:10 PM »
I agree with Jerry. But shortening the span a bit is GOOD! IBPSIA teaches that and if you've seen MO in Bowling This Month articles he shows it. Me, I can go 5 1/2 span, I've changed and gone to 5 1/16th and YES it was funky at first but its changed everything for the good!

Blisters are exactly where?? The base of thumb might be a needing bevel/sand little more on top of hole (thumb should go all the way in), blister at top of thumb? Squeezing the ball possibly. Hard to tell not seeing it.
Mike Savoia
Lane #1 / Vise Pro Staff
Area 300 Pro Shop


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Re: Lessened the span...
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2003, 07:36:08 PM »
I agree with shortening the span.  A few weeks ago, our center had the pleasure of Del Warren and Mo Pinell<sp?> stop in for several hours.  Mo spent time working on our lane machine and it's programs while Del talked to me about several coaching and drilling ideas........  anyway, he shortened my span from 4(5/8), 4(7/16) to 4" and 4(1/16)"..  We pitched the thumb forward (was reverse) and the fingers 1/8 under..  I am clearing the ball extremely well and have all sorts of control..  But the biggest thing is, getting my thumb in all the way, I am not losing it at the bottom any..  I have nice consistant shots.


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Re: Lessened the span...
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2003, 07:57:09 PM »
Long=good, short=good, forward = good, reverse =good none of these terms are relavent untill one knows how far your front of finger edge is in relation to your last finger joint when you started the process.

front edge of finger hole = to last joint when hand stretched = too long.
last joint even with back of hole probably means span is too short.

From reverse to forward is in general good if you span is in the 4 1/4 or less range.  Reverse is usually good if your span = 4 5/16 or greater.

Then all these things are followed up with someone experiened and knowledgeble watching you throw the ball and see if your getting proper release turn and lift.  If your ball roll is correct and you have no strains or injuries then you are very close!

Adjustments are made from there.

I've gone from very long to maybe short proper.  I've never been quite the same since!  I may go partially back!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Lessened the span...
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2003, 02:26:55 AM »
Blister is on my left thumb on the bottom of the thumb (base) and on the right side a bit.  I do know the thumb is suppose to go in all the way but I don't have a really good grip and I can't get the revs I want.  I also lose speed on the ball b/c of the bad grip.