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Author Topic: Leverage vs. pin under ring  (Read 2251 times)


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Leverage vs. pin under ring
« on: March 04, 2005, 07:32:05 AM »
I'm thinking of drilling a Hybrid DB, but I'm not sure how to, so I would like to know what kind of reaction to expect with these drillngs. 2-3 inch pin, 3 oz top.
What can I expect if it's drilled leverage? O pin undr ring and CG kicked out? Which is smoother, which has more midlane, which has more backend, better in oil, most hook overall?????

The best kept bowling secret in Mexico



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Re: Leverage vs. pin under ring
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2005, 10:34:20 AM »
Generally speaking, I'm assuming you mean a lable leverage with th pin over and maybe to the right of the ring finger vs. pin under the ring either stacked leverage or with a CG out.

If I'm correct in my assumptions in that scenario, the label leverage with the higher pin will go longer down the lane, with less midlane roll and possibly more backend if the lane is drier and/or the oil is shorter.

On an oilier lane, the pin under the ring (lower pin) will hook more on the backend, because the label leverage will go too long before it hooks.

The CG out will roll slightly smoother than the stack layout.

I would drill the ball with the pin under the ring with a slight Cg out, maybe an inch at the most. You can't really go wrong with this layout, unless you're a full roller or a spinner. =:^D


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Re: Leverage vs. pin under ring
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2005, 10:33:57 AM »
Thanks for the answers, here's a bit more of me: first of I'm a lefty, I would consider myself a tweener, medium revs, decent speed, could throw harder but have not found a ball that can keep up with my speed and the conditions I play on. All of my balls are drilled diferently, and all have a very similar track, if goes about .5 in. to the right of the thumb and about 1 in. to the right of my middle finger. My PAP I'm not really sure I think it was about 4 inches and 1 inch up. (any easy way to get my PAP???)
Hope this helps
The best kept bowling secret in Mexico