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Author Topic: looking for help on layout for a dlood......  (Read 2515 times)


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looking for help on layout for a dlood......
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:58:58 AM »
So,We just got new lanes last week.Well,New for us anyway.We got lanes from the NBS out of Reno NV. We had old lanes with that guardian crap for the last 10 years.
Anywho, These things are so fricken fast its crazy.Basically there is very little to no friction anywhere out there.I know its a ths and 41 feet and I think we just need more backends to have a nice shot.There is NO swing shot at all and basically we are all forced to go down and in and stay behind the ball to get any carry at all.
I have tried about every core-cover combo I have laying around (about a dozen balls or so) and pretty much the only one I get any kind of a decent look with is a IQ tour pearl (gold one) and its got a rice layout on it.
Whats the ticket on a flood with little to know backend friction other than going down the 5-7 board and just hoping you have enough hand in it to carry.
I know there is no secret sauce of a layout but is there anything other than a rico that will work half way decent on this kind of lane?Heck,I just drilled a bad ass 2 weeks ago at 45x5x45 and it worked great on old lanes but goes straight now even with lots of surface.

L8r Shannon

p.s. my stats are like:
16-17 mph
300-325 revs
17 deg tilt
45 deg axis rotation but can up that really easy by staying behind it more.
pap is 43/3 over and 3/4 up



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Re: looking for help on layout for a dlood......
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2015, 12:22:09 PM »
Just because you have to go up the lane doesn't mean they're flooded. You were accustom to bowling on scotch tape with built in friction, now, you're on a lower friction surface. Id start with surface before I went fiddling with layouts.
NLMB 150 Dream Team

Ken De Beasto

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Re: looking for help on layout for a dlood......
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2015, 12:29:20 PM »
Agreed I would just change surface b4 taking a giant step. And there's nothing wrong playing the down and in shot with no swing. It's super fun that u actually have make a good shot.


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Re: looking for help on layout for a dlood......
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2015, 12:55:42 PM »
Also realize these lanes are new to you and also to the center management.  I am willing to bet the shot will change over the next few weeks to something more similar to what you had before.  (This is assuming the shot was geared to the league bowlers to begin with.)

When you put the shot needed to maintain any decent THS on guardian on a lower friction surface like the new lanes, the shot will play different (slicker).  Total volume will change along with shape to achieve the desired THS.  Just give it time.


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Re: looking for help on layout for a dlood......
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2015, 01:30:57 PM »
Yeah I agree there is nothing really wrong with going up the boards but the reason I said they where flooded was do to the fact that if you tried to belly the ball even a little bit it just skated east and your pocket becomes the 3-6.

Im working with the lane man to try and change the shot a little cause yes,they haven't yet made any changes to the system the had set up for the guardian that we had.

And believe  me I have tweaked the heck out of the surfaces already.Iam the only ball driller in the area so I do have that advantage at my fingertips.

I am not trying to say there really isn't a shot out there cause there is one its just that its really the only shot out there and when you get 8 guys out there just pushing the oil down on a shot that already has basically no backend it gets super sloppy before the first game is over.
If I was able to move in a little left of everybody else and use there burn line as a bump it would be great but there just isn't enough friction on the end to get the ball turned over.

If I really put some surface on a piece it just burns up before it hits the break point and hits like a turd or I get the opposite and the ball never reads the lane in time.I have tried a ton of combos so far and like I said I just can't seem to find a decent look so I was just wondering if there was a certain layout or core combo that would favor my situation?

L8r Shannon