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Author Topic: LOW Diff Ball vs. Low Flare Layout  (Read 13882 times)


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LOW Diff Ball vs. Low Flare Layout
« on: August 28, 2008, 01:17:08 AM »
Since I have returned to bowling I have a very persistant problem. As explained to me by a local professional who operates a proshop, I ROLL the ball alot off of my hand. This causes my ball to read the midlanes very early and not reserve up enough energy (I am rev rate dominate and ball speed deficient) and I dink lots of 10pins (flat 10's). I get the very occasional bird dog (once per month). To make matters worse, I track high, have a 11.5" track circumfrance. I average 230+ and am very tired of watching what seems to be everyone around me slapping pins around like the are match sticks.

Anyway, he suggested obtaining low diff balls which would tend to lope more down the lane and jump of the backend. So, I have begun to look for low diff balls and cant find very many.

So my understanding is low diff balls flare less than higher diff balls. That being the case, would lower flaring layouts on higher diff balls have the same effect as low diff balls with higher flare layouts? And would a low flare layout put the pin closer than 3 3/8" from PAP?

I have tried all the pins over fingers and mb in the track to 45 degrees 5.5 pin lengths. Tried surface adjustments. If I was close at all with any of this I think I would have noticed. I have to do something different.


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Re: LOW Diff Ball vs. Low Flare Layout
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2008, 09:47:51 AM »
So you average over 230 but want to make your strikes look better?

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Re: LOW Diff Ball vs. Low Flare Layout
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2008, 09:55:51 AM »
How low of a Diff are you looking for.

Edited on 8/28/2008 9:56 AM


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Re: LOW Diff Ball vs. Low Flare Layout
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2008, 10:02:21 AM »
Bluer, its not about average. I hit the pocket alot and my strike percentage is poor on average. Its not about average its about taking my game to the next level and being successfull. Besides aberaging 230 on THS today is like averaging 215 back in 1985 (which I did then).

mmc,  I dont have an answer of how low. I am trying to understand the mechanisms at work and hense I posed the question.

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Re: LOW Diff Ball vs. Low Flare Layout
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2008, 10:09:34 AM »
Along with the low diff, how abotu a high rg as well? The higher rg will allow the ball also to retain energy as it will not want to roll as soon as other stuff.

Perfect examples: Visionary Ogres. 2.59 rg (high compared to most equipment today) and a low diff of .029. The new Particle Ogre has a slightly higher diff, but only .031, and as newguy (Phil Cardinale) pointed out in the AMF or Global forum, normal runs of balls of the same ball can vary slightly between them, thus the diffs are darn close.

Also I would include:

Brunswick Avalanche 2.55 rg, .024 diff
Global 900 Link 2.59 rg, .032 diff
AMF Orbit Extreme (the new ones, not last years model)-same numbers as the Avalanches
All of the Visionary Ogres
Visionay Green Blue Centaur
Roto Grip Pluto, Saturn, Neptune

I am sure there are more, but you get the point by now.



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Re: LOW Diff Ball vs. Low Flare Layout
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2008, 10:14:47 AM »
Think of the RG. diff. as a potential you can tap with the drilling. With a low differential, you get way less flare and slower axis migration towards the core's final stable PSA, and you potentially delay the breakpoint of the ball.

You cannot get more flare out of a ball than with a 3 3/8" pin to PAP distance. Moving closer would mean that you get a rollier pin axis setup with a reduced back end and smooth roll.

Another thing to remember: with the strong pin position and a huge diff. the ball migrates very early and quickly towards its PSA - it will be a better choice for longer patterns. The low diff. (or a weaker pin position, closer to your track), reduces these migration forces and distrubutes them better on the ball's way down the lane.
I am not sure if you get a true "jumpy" reaction in the back end - but the lower diff. will surely tame down the overall hook and save "steam" for the pins.

A low diff. or a weak setup of a stronger ball have their uses - either for players with really high revs (your case?), or for lighter conditions when you need length and a delayed ball reaction.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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Re: LOW Diff Ball vs. Low Flare Layout
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2008, 10:34:29 AM »

Say it again in layman's terms using pin to pap distances and/or degree layouts. I think I understand your input but I want to be certian

Thanks so much


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Re: LOW Diff Ball vs. Low Flare Layout
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2008, 10:41:03 AM »
I have a similar track circumference but probably see more pin action because, unlike you, I have more speed than revs.

You're focusing on low differential and high differential when you also need to keep in mind the RG of the ball as well. High RG balls also tend to "lope" down the lane.

To retain energy for the pins your best bet should be to stay with medium to medium-high RG balls with differentials less than lets say 0.035.

Layout would depend on you as the bowler, but you probably track high and I'd suggest pins to be located above your bridge and middle finger.

That being said there is also a layout that I have on a few pieces that don't fit the above parameters.  

Since I rarely "spin" the ball and come up the back so strongly my driller suggested I try layouts that put pins close to my VAL.  I have a Toxic with this sort of layout and the ball doesn't do a whole lot on the lane until it gets close to the breakpoint, and then it flips towards the pocket.

This sort of layout also appears to lower my track on the balls it is on.

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Re: LOW Diff Ball vs. Low Flare Layout
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2008, 10:51:56 AM »
Uh, the best I can tell it is that the RG diff. is a potential - that's the best way to describe this feature, IMHO. The more you have, the more flare you CAN produce with a strong pin position - and it means that the ball's rotational axis migrates quicker from your initial axis at the release (indicated by your PAP) towards its stable end axis, which either indicated by the mass bias marker or the virtual PSA which is located 6 3/4" from the pin through the CG on symmetrical core balls. But that is just waht you CAN do with the ball - if it is the best solution for you, your style etc., is another thing, and with modern balls less can be truly more (see below).

That said, when you put the pin in maximum (leverage) position, you create with a high differential a relatively quicker and stronger axis migration - this is what makes the ball hook, and not only how much, but also how early. The track flares are much further apart from each other than on a low diff core ball or with a greater pin to PAP position. It saves energy and delays the balls action throughout the lane.
For a high rev bowler, a ball with a huge differential AND a strong layout can roll out early (read: end up in its stable end axis), because it migrates too quickly. Power is simply spent too early. Here, either a weak drilling OR a lower RG diff. can be the ticket - coupled with the proper surface prep to make a complete package.

Remember: an "effective" ball is the one that just gets into its end roll before it enters the pins, and the entry angle should also be O.K., not too steep or too shallow.

Hope this clears things up a bit - pretty abstract topic!
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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Re: LOW Diff Ball vs. Low Flare Layout
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2008, 11:12:17 AM »
Take a look at Lanemasters balls, I've found that they tend to react less and later than than most of today's hook monsters, which will suit your needs well.  Look for a ball with higher RG and lower differential, solid or pearl coverstock but not particle.  You'll probably find these under their high performance line.  And they have a great website.  --  JohnP


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Re: LOW Diff Ball vs. Low Flare Layout
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2008, 11:14:36 AM »
j_mac, Great information. I espeically like the pic of those high pins. Very intersting. And yes I track high... 1/4 off the thumb and 1" off the finger.

Absolutebowling, I agree that I should be practicing ALOT more. You nailed it when you said I am bored but for the wrong reason. I bored of a strike percentage around 50%. There is something wrong with my equipment... I often say "how much better do I have to throw it". And I am searching. I have decided to go to Kegel to work on increasing my ball speed (I am typically in the 16.5 range) As for successes, please see my profile albeit not updated in the last couple years. I really appreciate your sincerity in your repsonse.

dizzyfugu, thanks so much for reasponding. I need to do more research for sure.

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Re: LOW Diff Ball vs. Low Flare Layout
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2008, 04:16:08 AM »
Take a look at Lanemasters balls, I've found that they tend to react less and later than than most of today's hook monsters, which will suit your needs well.  Look for a ball with higher RG and lower differential, solid or pearl coverstock but not particle.  You'll probably find these under their high performance line.  And they have a great website.  --  JohnP

That's true - and I witness the same with my Revolution Renegade which has "only" a 0.037" diff and has a length drilling. This ball gets down the lane very well and then makes a sharp turn. It concerses energy very well, and I have seen thsi with Lanemasters reactives, too - even though I think that the lower diff. is also part of the overall LM ball's design, helping push the balls further down the lane and prevent "overhooking" and bleeding energy, esp. with their particle coverstocks.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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Re: LOW Diff Ball vs. Low Flare Layout
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2008, 05:20:56 AM »
I believe I'm slightly rev dominant(specs in profile), and have a release that possibly adds a bit more roll to a ball.  For me,  medium and lower RG balls tend to work for me which I find a little weird.  My LM Counter Strike is probably the one ball I currently throw that matches up with me the worse, and I believe it has an RG of 2.59 and a 60 x 4 1/2 x 40 drilling.  It's sensitive to a certain amount/length of oil and dry so I guess you could say it's not versatile.  In general I've had more luck with it on flatter shots.  I haven't noticed a particular type of differential that works best for me but the RG seems important.  I'm thinking layouts define how well a ball works for me, and I've tended to like the reaction out of balls with 4" and lower in pin-PAP differences more often than not.  Could anyone explain why these things have worked better for me?
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Re: LOW Diff Ball vs. Low Flare Layout
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2008, 10:30:19 AM »
Ok... after much studying and under standing of the Dual Angle Layout System (including developing a GREAT worksheet) I think I want to rephrase my initial question.

If I take a high diff ball and using the DUal Angle Layout system, drill it say 70x5.5x90 (almost maximum energy saving) will that ball then reserver energy similar to a low diff ball?

BTW, I have ordered both of the Avalanches and shoul be today. However, I fear that these balls will not recover enough at one particluar house I bowl.


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Re: LOW Diff Ball vs. Low Flare Layout
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2008, 08:05:58 PM »

   Ok... let me think about this... put the CG in a stable place... are you miss stating this... did you mean to say the MB in a stable place or are you saying the cg being a symmetical ball (since there is no physical mb)?

Got a pic or a layout? 6x6?

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Edited on 8/29/2008 8:07 PM
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