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Author Topic: low track drilling  (Read 17532 times)


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low track drilling
« on: March 29, 2011, 12:33:01 AM »
Hello eveyone,


I am left handed and have a low PAP. My axis coordinates are 3 3/8 over and 5/8 up. (measured off a high end ball)


i have worked hard to raise my track, but to be honest I don't find it a hinderance esp. where I bowl. On longer/heavier stuff I just use more surface (say 1000 abralon)


Can anyone recommend drillings that have worked for other bowlers who have a low track? I was told by a well renowned pro shop operator that if I should place the pin say 5" from my PAP (right of my middle finger) that it would alter my track having that pin placement.


Thanks, have a great day!
Darren Andretta
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Re: low track drilling
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2011, 09:07:59 AM »
imo, I think you should of used a spare ball to measure your axis to get a true reading. High end ball flare too much.


Also, I had a relatively low track several years ago at 4 1/4 at 1" up. What helped me raise my track was a technique from John Jowdy. "Lead with your ring finger" and also how I pushed away the ball. With a lot of practice and video taking, I am now at 5 3/16 @ 5/16 up - maybe this will help you.


finally, keeping your pin in the safe zone is the simple way to go IMO....Good luck.

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Re: low track drilling
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2011, 09:08:35 AM »
Your track location, low or high, isn't really important.  What is important is your axis tilt, which is determined from your track's diameter.  Go to the technical sheets at and find the one for determining your track diameter.  Then go to the one on asymmetric layouts and you'll find a chart for getting the axis tilt from the diameter.  With this information we can help you.  --  JohnP


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Re: low track drilling
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2011, 09:14:47 AM »
JohnP: my axis tilt is between 10-15 degrees. my rev rate is 350. ball speed 19 mph. axis rotation varies. sorry should've included that in my initial post.


Darren Andretta
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Re: low track drilling
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2011, 12:29:36 PM »
Layouts that roll early will get you more reaction in oil. I would try the Boomer layout.


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Re: low track drilling
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2011, 01:50:15 AM »
The drilling would IMHO depend on the reaction and utility you want to achieve? Do you need a ball that works better on long/heavy oil (can be tough for low trackers/spinner-type players), or what?

Besides, I'd look at the overall ball-and-setup package to achieve thsi utility, not just "a layout that works". Works for what?


If you want to raise your track/PAP, I'd check your wrist strength and hand position during the release. The Jowdy method of leading/pushing the ball with the ring finger all though the release is really helpful, but tough in the beginning when you are not used to keep your wrist firm and stable behind the ball. Most low tracker either stay with their thumb in the ball for too long, releasing the ball "on top of it" instead of letting ot roll across the fingertips forward, or the wrist breaks back in the downswing so that thumb and finger release the ball pretty simultaneaously. That must not be a bad thing - if it works for you, that's fine.

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Re: low track drilling
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2011, 08:04:35 AM »


dna300x wrote on 3/29/2011 9:14 AM:
JohnP: my axis tilt is between 10-15 degrees. my rev rate is 350. ball speed 19 mph. axis rotation varies. sorry should've included that in my initial post.



I'm sorry, somehow I missed this reply until today.  Your axis tilt is in a very good range, don't worry about the low track - you're not a spinner.  Quite a few pros have similar PAP's and axis tilts.  --  JohnP


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Re: low track drilling
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2011, 09:53:01 PM »
dna300x, as was already identified, use your spare ball to find your PAP. I too am a low track bowler. I layout my equipment just like everyone else. That puts my Pin position and sometimes my CG to the negative side of the ball. This makes the ball look like it was drilled for a lefty. I have done it this way for years and the results are as they would be for a medium track bowler or a high track bowler. No matter where a bowler tracks or the geometry used to layout the ball, all ball layout co-ordinances initially come off the bowlers PAP.
Lets say you wanted a 5x4 layout. You said that your PAP is 3-3/8 over and 5/8 up. That is going to put the Pin and CG to the negative side of the ball, but the results will be exactly what you should expect from a 5x4 layout.
If you have a buddy that is a right handed bowler and can somewhat fit their hand span, try their ball out. You being a lefty with a low track might be surprised how well their ball rolls for you.