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Author Topic: MB offline preference  (Read 2448 times)


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MB offline preference
« on: January 21, 2011, 03:47:20 PM »
I'm considering the purchase of a ball that has the MB 2 inches to the right. I'm left handed. I  can't remember, but I know there's a preference in which way the MB is offline...  Is MB off to the right favorable to a lefty or a righty?


Thanks in advance

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Re: MB offline preference
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2011, 12:06:44 AM »
MB offcenter to the right would favor a righthander by allowing them to place the MB in a strong position while leaving the CG in the palm area and not requiring an extra hole to bring into into "legal" balance.

 If you wanted to use a weaker drill and put the MB in your track area, this ball would work well for a lefty. Otherwise, it might be a little tricky to get the MB in a strong position, depending on topweight.

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Edited by Juggernaut on 1/22/2011 at 1:11 AM
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Re: MB offline preference
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2011, 07:16:56 AM »
Guys, I owe you an apology and can now offer definite proof why I should make sure to go to bed before midnight. Apparently I turn into an idiot...


I see now that in my slumber I said MB was off to the right. I meant Cg. So, let me restate the question..


I'm considering the purchase of a ball that has the Cg 2 inches to the right. I'm left handed. I  can't remember, but I know there's a preference in which way the Cg is offline...  Is Cg off to the right favorable to a lefty or a righty?


Again, thanks in advance


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The Dreaded Durbin

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Re: MB offline preference
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2011, 07:47:47 AM »
Being that the CG is 2 inches to the RIGHT and you are a LH bowler, you can pretty much put the MB in whatever position you want and not have to use a weight hole.
This will allow the CG to be somewhat close to the center of your grip and probably will not have alot of side weight that will need to be removed.

These shifted CGs are ideal for layouts but during manufacturing it makes more sense to create in line balls so that ALL bowlers can use them.  If you can get shifted CG balls, you can lay out equipment without using weight holes easier.
Edited by The Dreaded Durbin on 1/22/2011 at 8:51 AM


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Re: MB offline preference
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2011, 08:02:09 AM »
Got it, thanks. Now, a follow up question please. I fall into the camp that likes to use a weight hole in the thumb positive quadrant to increase flare. Would the advantage of a shifted Cg (not meeding a weight hole) also mean that adding a subsequent weight hole becomes difficult or even a negative factor in ball selection?



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The Dreaded Durbin

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Re: MB offline preference
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2011, 08:20:20 AM »
The weight hole in the thumb quadrant removes excess thumb and side weight.    If the ball has a large enough pin out, have the driller make sure that the layout allows you to use a weight hole in the thumb area.  The larger the pin out, the easier it is to lay out these "double thumb" type layouts.
You can put a weight hole wherever you want to, as long as it falls within the static rules guidelines.    
Remember that static side weights are meaningless, thus if you want to use a low weight hole in the thumb and this removes thumb weight, as well as side weight,  the weight removal is meaningless.  This allows you to even have the balls side weight be negative. 
The low weight hole changes the shape of the core, thus how the ball rolls.   The ending static numbers are just numbers.
You can use the thumb quad weight hole no problem.  Just get the ball to legal specs and your good.
Edited by The Dreaded Durbin on 1/22/2011 at 9:21 AM


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Re: MB offline preference
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2011, 08:28:35 AM »
Great explanation, thanks!

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Re: MB offline preference
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2011, 08:29:30 AM »


lefty50 wrote on 1/22/2011 8:16 AM:
Guys, I owe you an apology and can now offer definite proof why I should make sure to go to bed before midnight. Apparently I turn into an idiot...


I see now that in my slumber I said MB was off to the right. I meant Cg. So, let me restate the question..


I'm considering the purchase of a ball that has the Cg 2 inches to the right. I'm left handed. I  can't remember, but I know there's a preference in which way the Cg is offline...  Is Cg off to the right favorable to a lefty or a righty?


Again, thanks in advance


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 Not a problem, lol. I had to go back and delete my original reply, as I had also posted incorrect info initially.


 Mr. Dreaded Durbin has it correct. That ball should work well for you, being a lefty, and the x-hole shouldn't pose any problem, just make sure to put it in the proper place to assure the proper "enhancement" it provides.


 Good luck.

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