For a bowler like myself (tweener, PAP 4 over 3/8 up), I have a question.
Roto Grip Epic Saga, static weights are typical. Ball is currently drilled pin-over-ring, which is about 4 inches away from the PAP, and there's a weight hole on the PAP (an experiment that seems to have helped).
The MB is track side of the thumb, about 6:30 or 7 o'clock.
Unless I sand the ball down to 1000 Abralon, it will not read the lane -- ANY lane. Conditions are almost irrelevant. And I didn't buy this ball to use at 1000 Abralon. At that level, it gives me a continuous arc shape, but is much too early to be usable.
Ball revs up very nicely. Carries well when I can get it in the pocket (which is about twice per game if I'm lucky). The rest of the time, it's over/under city. I've tried every surface prep from 1000 Abralon up, polished and not.
Initially, the ball did not appear to be flaring very much. I can't remember exactly why I drilled the weight hole dead on my PAP, but I did, and it increased flare and helped with control somewhat. But it only really advanced things from a 1 to a 2 on a scale of 1-10.
What would you suggest I try before giving up? I'm open to plugging the whole ball if necessary. What I was gunning for when I got this was a ball with a strong roll, controlled move to the pocket and enough energy stored for good carry. I didn't want the ball to go all stupid in the backend, and I don't need help hooking the ball. But right now, it's a liability.
The reason I phrased this as a MB question is that the only time I've gone track side with the MB is when I'm drilling a label drill on a ball made by Lane #1, and I've yet to have a problem with their stuff. This is the first strong assym and/or Storm/Roto ball I've drilled with a track-side MB.
Edited on 12/24/2008 0:30 AM
Edited on 12/30/2008 10:26 PM