Thanks Mo....
This method can make a lot of changes in pitch both forward reverse and left right workable....
For testing front bevel....the important part under the flat of the thumb. If not correct one can get serious nerve damage and black spots under the front base of the thumb(many increasing their forward pitch experience these black marks and electric shock feelings if they do not increase their forward bevel as below). Not enough forward bevel can lead to above problems...hanging, unplanned lofting, lack of revs etc....
1. Put ring finger only in it's hole as deep as you put it when bowling...move the thumb up and down and you will feel hang on the front surface of the thumb if not correct apply bevel knife under this front surface until hang stops.
For testing side bevel ....note not enough side bevel can lead to pulling.....
2. Put only the middle finger in the finger hole....move the thumb in and out of the thumb hold.....if not correct note hanging on the side of the thumb. Gently with bevel knife bevel that area.
Note using this method lots of different configurations of pitch can be tried for a bowler......
Note the amount of side and front bevel can be unequal and one can smooth the transition area thru gentle beveling sand paper......note the same bowler with different pitches in a setup can end up with different amounts of bevel which will get him out smoothly....
Example.....a bowler using 1/4 reverse and 0 lateral goes to 0,0 while using the same span....this bowler will often maintain his previous lateral bevel and dramatically increase front bevel.....
One does not have to know or predict results one can use Mo's method above and find the right combination of front, side, and transition area to make a fit set of pitches work(within reason).
Open the door...see what''s possible...and just walk right on through...that''s how easy success feels..