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Author Topic: More bend  (Read 2476 times)


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More bend
« on: December 09, 2017, 09:26:12 PM »

Just got this rocket by storm (used).  It really doesnt do much for me. Is their anything I can do to the surface or larger sidehole to give me more hook.  I bowl up the 10 board up the back of the ball. Last year avg 203. 16 mph.

Teacher and Chess coach from Cleveland, Ohio..Go Tribe!

Global 900 Protocol, Storm mostly



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Re: More bend
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2017, 09:33:53 PM »

Just got this rocket by storm (used).  It really doesnt do much for me. Is their anything I can do to the surface or larger sidehole to give me more hook.  I bowl up the 10 board up the back of the ball. Last year avg 203. 16 mph.


Have you had the ball deoiled since you bought it?  If not I would do that as well as have the pro shop resurface it back to factory finish before changing drilling or doing surface myself.  With used balls never know how well prior owner took care of it (unless of course you knew all the owners).  Some balls in fact after they get oil logged enough even deoiling won't save from ball death which is why I don't usually buy reactives 2nd hand.  Also too much surface or too aggressive drilling can actually retard hook instead of increasing it depending on other factors (lane conditions, your style, etc).  In general though yes lower grit surface will hook more as well as say a double thumb drill hole.

(edit: Doom has the right idea.  Knows a ton more about layouts than I do).
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 10:11:50 PM by HackJandy »
Kind of noob when made this account so take advice with grain of salt.

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Re: More bend
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2017, 10:00:27 PM »
Not knowing your pap, this is probably a very weak pin position for you. Probably at least 5 inches from your pap. That's going to retain a lot of energy because it's loping, then be smooth. The hole magnifies that. To get more early reaction, try 2000 and also deoil it. A bigger hole *may* to flare a bit more, but surface is key.