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Author Topic: MOtion hole is no joke!  (Read 19390 times)


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MOtion hole is no joke!
« on: August 03, 2013, 12:10:23 PM »
Recently I bought a fully plugged AMF Heist Pearl for $25 shipped (from iamone78 here -- thanks for a heckuva deal!). As you can see from the pic, the span before plugging was close to mine and the layout was similar to what's required for a bowler with my PAP on the MOtion hole. I've been curious about this layout and figured this ball was a perfect guinea pig.

Per instructions, my driller marked the spot with tape and I threw the ball down the lane while he watched. Sure enough I was tracking over the spot. So he took the ball away, moved the hole slightly, and brought it back drilled.

I wish I had a video to demonstrate the difference. The Heist Pearl was a very limited edition ball - actually the Heists were the first balls produced out of 900G's San Antonio plant - and it was known for it's low RG core but super smooth weaker cover. This lent itself to a very predictable reaction across all lane conditions, even for a Pearl. This is always how I imagined the Seismic Aftermath Pearl to be.

Anyway, before the MOhole I was playing the same line as my Brunswick Ringer, currently one of my favorite balls. The ball motion was very similar - the classic Brunswick roll. After the hole, I was forced to move 2 boards left of the Ringer and had a good 5 more boards of recovery to the right if I threw it out. As the lanes opened up I ended up 4 boards left. When the ball hit friction you could see the revs, but with that weaker cover it didn't jump. The continuity through the pin deck was impressive. And it was carrying the corners better than before the hole. Frankly, after the MOhole it was reminding me more of my Brunswick Aura than my Ringer. I'll have to compare them next time. But the MOhole unleashed the backend on this ball.

I can't imagine what this would be like for me on a ball with similar core specs and a stronger cover. I'm sold!



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Re: MOtion hole is no joke!
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2013, 11:35:22 AM »
 Does the change in reaction come from the shift it causes in static weight, or does it come from the existence of the hole with the static weight changes being merely a byproduct of the holes existence?

 Which came first, the chicken or the egg? And would it even matter as long as we ended up with the final product?

 Adding extra holes changes reaction, changes core dynamics, but it also changes static weights, so what actually caused the reaction change, the hole itself, or the static changes?

 Both camps can trot out all the evidence they want to, have all the arguments and chest bumping contests they want to, it really doesn't matter because the proof, as they say, is in the pudding.

 I am no physics genius, have no degrees, have no CAD machines. All I had to go on was the RULES, and my limited experience of trial and error, yet somehow, I managed to discover that weight holes, when placed in strategic locations, could have a profound effect on a balls reaction. ONE of those locations would've been approximately where the MOtion hole ends up being today, on the "bottom" of the ball, and this was back in the 1980's.

 Maybe we were suffering from ignorance back then (which may be), but we attributed the change in reaction to the shifting of the static weights. There wasn't much work back then on the dynamics of core change, so what were we supposed to attribute it to?

 Suffice it to say that the holes work. They worked years ago, before they had names, and they still do, even with the new names people call them by now.
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Re: MOtion hole is no joke!
« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2013, 04:02:25 PM »
IMO the effect is not due to statics.  I put a motion hole in a nomad Dagger.  The reaction was awesome, but the ball was statically out of balance.  I loved the reaction but had to make it statically legal in order to throw it in competition.  Drilling the fingers deeper solved the static weight issue.  But making it statically legal did not kill the enhanced reaction.  Thus, I would attribute the better reaction to something other than static weight.

BTW, I have motion holed a Fire Road, Nomad Dagger, Meanstreak, Virtual Gravity and a Mission 2. 

I have had very good results with the  Fire Road and Nomad Dagger.  Slightly improved reaction from the VG and Mission 2.  And the Motion Hole turned the Meanstreak into a complete dud. 


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Re: MOtion hole is no joke!
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2013, 01:40:10 PM »
I just had a blue /blue Hook drilled with a MOHole and only got to throw it a few frames,  just to try and get the hole drilled to the right size.  Not sure if it's quite right yet but right now is about 1".   My friend who layed out the ball said to just go 1 and 1/4", but the driller is doing it in increments. Still in the adjustment phase but so far I really like this drilling. 
Gonna use it in league tonight so hopefully I have something good to report. 

Impending Doom

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Re: MOtion hole is no joke!
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2013, 02:58:04 PM »

Back in the 80's, most everything was a pancake weight block, so those changes made a difference. Now, with the major internal influence dwarfing the static weights, it's the weight hole. As we all know, any time you put any hole in a ball, you're changing the shape of what is in there. But, with another hole, after you have already become accustomed to how that ball rolls, changing the dynamics of the weight block again, an ounce isn't going to make much difference. The shape of the thing inside matters, not 1 OZ out of 15#

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Re: MOtion hole is no joke!
« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2013, 04:12:59 PM »
I have a general question about this drilling.

Will this drilling work best on a low RG-high Diff ball, or a high RG-low Diff ball?

I would think the Low RG, High Diff ball would work better because of the ball wanting to move earlier, but I'm guessing.

Your thoughts?


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Re: MOtion hole is no joke!
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2013, 05:00:08 PM »
I just had a blue /blue Hook drilled with a MOHole and only got to throw it a few frames,  just to try and get the hole drilled to the right size.  Not sure if it's quite right yet but right now is about 1".   My friend who layed out the ball said to just go 1 and 1/4", but the driller is doing it in increments. Still in the adjustment phase but so far I really like this drilling. 
Gonna use it in league tonight so hopefully I have something good to report. 

Ok, I used it last night and did alright with it on the first game, sport shot, old wood, very old wood.  Shot changes very quickly, and I either changed too fast or not fast enough.  I really like the way the ball hit, very hard and very continuous. 
My MOhole is a little on the small side, maybe 1 inch.  My friend says to just max out the hole (1 1/4") but the driller says othewise.  My question is this, do you guys that have the MOhole, do the hole in incriments or just max out?  Going bigger makes it react more or less on the backend?

Impending Doom

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Re: MOtion hole is no joke!
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2013, 05:04:42 PM »
Bigger the hole, the bigger the reaction on the back.


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Re: MOtion hole is no joke!
« Reply #23 on: August 13, 2013, 06:23:24 PM »
I just had a blue /blue Hook drilled with a MOHole and only got to throw it a few frames,  just to try and get the hole drilled to the right size.  Not sure if it's quite right yet but right now is about 1".   My friend who layed out the ball said to just go 1 and 1/4", but the driller is doing it in increments. Still in the adjustment phase but so far I really like this drilling. 
Gonna use it in league tonight so hopefully I have something good to report. 

Ok, I used it last night and did alright with it on the first game, sport shot, old wood, very old wood.  Shot changes very quickly, and I either changed too fast or not fast enough.  I really like the way the ball hit, very hard and very continuous. 
My MOhole is a little on the small side, maybe 1 inch.  My friend says to just max out the hole (1 1/4") but the driller says othewise.  My question is this, do you guys that have the MOhole, do the hole in incriments or just max out?  Going bigger makes it react more or less on the backend?

I have drilled four balls with the MOtion hole:  A C300 Freeze, Track 607A SE, Brunswick Meanstreak Brawler, and Morich Locomotion.  On all of them, I started with a 3/4" or 7/8" weight hole.  I have stepped them up in 1/8" increments until I get the desired backend motion.  As Impending Doom stated, the backend increases with the size of the weight hole.  I've maxed out the hole size (1-1/4") on only the Track 607A SE.  I had the 607A SE in the past, and did not match up with it.  It is a completely different (better) reaction for me with the MOtion hole.


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Re: MOtion hole is no joke!
« Reply #24 on: August 14, 2013, 08:43:43 AM »
I'm no professional by any means. I've only managed to get lucky and shoot 300 once but I was in a slump the whole last season. My average was down 15 pins from the year before. I know layouts aren't supposed to make much difference but the only thing I changed was drillers. After being fed up with his attitude, I found a very good deal on an entire home proshop set up from a guy here back in April. For some reason, I drilled balls for other people but waited to drill one myself until the last week of the season.

I took an old Columbia 300 Action Max, plugged all the holes, and laid out the motion hole on it. I started with an inch hole and took a chance on it not flaring over it since the ball was already plugged anyway. Shot a slump busting 715 the first night I pulled it out. Carry and forgiveness was AMAZING!

Since then I bought a DV8 misfit pearl and a Radical Yeti and put the Motion hole on them both. I have used them each only one night. The Yeti is beast don't get me wrong, but the surprise was the MISFIT! It was like I could throw it anywhere. Miss 5 boards out and it would recover. Miss 5 boards in and it would hold.

I suggest trying this layout on something, even if it's on an old ball you have laying in the closet.


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Re: MOtion hole is no joke!
« Reply #25 on: August 15, 2013, 06:49:07 PM »
I've had over a dozen balls drilled with the MoHole. Seems older sym balls benefit the most. When added to a newer sym ball the reaction isn't as strong or noticeable as the older balls. My Wildcard and Tracer are now my strongest balls in terms of angle entry and out-performs the SYNC, Wrecker, Lights-Out, everything that i currently own (+200 balls).
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Re: MOtion hole is no joke!
« Reply #26 on: August 18, 2013, 02:13:20 AM »
So far I'm liking this drilling and have a few balls laying around the house that i hardly use .  Of these balls, which one would be a good candidate for my second MOhole drilling ball?
Rotogrip SD-73 classic, green DV8 Misfit,  Banger Hole Pounder Pearl, AMF Sideways and a Lane #1 Chainsaw?   Leaning  towards either the Misfit or Chainsaw but input would be appreciated.  Oh yeah, i also have a VersaMax.


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Re: MOtion hole is no joke!
« Reply #27 on: August 18, 2013, 08:26:28 AM »
I was curious as well. I have a columbia 300 sharp noize I was debating adding a motion hole to. Would I need to plug and start from scratch or is a pin over bridge with a 2 inch pin appropriate? Also will it make this perl go too long and leave no time for recovery?

Elimeno Pee

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Re: MOtion hole is no joke!
« Reply #28 on: August 18, 2013, 10:23:29 AM »
this sounds great, but with the equipment available on the market, why would you not just get a ball designed for the backend you seek?
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Re: MOtion hole is no joke!
« Reply #29 on: August 18, 2013, 02:10:13 PM »
this sounds great, but with the equipment available on the market, why would you not just get a ball designed for the backend you seek?

They don't really design balls that do this for low tilt, speed dominant bowlers...  This layout gives those bowlers something they couldn't create before.


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Re: MOtion hole is no joke!
« Reply #30 on: August 18, 2013, 02:27:33 PM »
this sounds great, but with the equipment available on the market, why would you not just get a ball designed for the backend you seek?

Not sure who your question is meant for, but I have all these balls laying around doing nothing, and it will be a bit cheaper to plug and redrill than to buy a new ball.  When it is time to get a brand new ball, then I cam decide what I want and for what purpose. Until then, I have these balls laying around.....