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Author Topic: My Thumb Pitch... OUCH!  (Read 1662 times)


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My Thumb Pitch... OUCH!
« on: May 03, 2005, 01:38:01 AM »
I took a small break off from bowling (about a month due to job requirements)... came back last night for a small tournament and from the very first warm-up ball I threw, I had pain directly in the center of my thumb nail.  By the end of the three games, it was very sore to touch and a small black-n-blue mark formed under the thumb nail.  I never noticed it before, but then again I was bowling 3+ times a week and was probably more used to it.  During the last few months, I had gradually changed my thumb pitch from 1/4" reverse to finally 1/8" forward pitch (while keeping approx 1/8" right lateral).  I am now wondering if the forward pitch may be too much for me?  I still have one ball with the original pitch (1/4" reverse) and it feels pretty comfortable...  I had decided to change the pitches in order to try and not "squeeze" the grip quite as much (as my full span is only in the 4 1/8" range).  Should I pop a new thumb slug in a couple balls and give myself a little more reverse pitch?  I have a couple more tournaments coming up and I'm not sure I will be able to throw anymore than 3 games if the current discomfort continues.  
-Strapper Squared

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Re: My Thumb Pitch... OUCH!
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2005, 11:50:53 AM »
Something that you may consider first would be add bevel to the back of the thumb your nail may be clipping it on the way out causing the iritation under the nail. I have heard of people doing this when adding forward.
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Re: My Thumb Pitch... OUCH!
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2005, 02:37:42 PM »
ahh... that is possible..  I have basically no bevel in the back.. so that may be the trick...  I will give it a shot.. see if it helps... if not, then I think I may have to adjust the pitches a little...  
-Strapper Squared

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Re: My Thumb Pitch... OUCH!
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2005, 03:06:19 PM »
Yes after trying this if it still doesn't work only back off from your new settig by a 1/16 or 1/8.  Ending up near 0.  Which is right near the pitches recommended by most tables for your current span.

That should work!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana