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Author Topic: What are the affects of 1/2" or more reverse finger pitches??  (Read 3944 times)


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I would like to know your feelings or personal experiences from using 1/2" or more reverse finger pitches. I am going to try this on one ball and see if a friend of mine who was a driller from the showboat works for me getting more feel on the bottom of swing or not?? Thanks for you help in advance-barry



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Re: What are the affects of 1/2" or more reverse finger pitches??
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2004, 06:20:10 PM »
lane1lover -- For a 45 degree finger joint I recommend 1/2 reverse pitch for standard spans.  Have your driller set it in his measuring ball (if he has the Jayhawk type) so you can see how it feels before drilling it.  Or take an old ball you have and have your driller punch your complete layout on the bottom side of the ball and take it out to the lanes and throw it.  sure, you'll roll over the old holes, but it's just a trial run anyway.  --  JohnP


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Re: What are the affects of 1/2" or more reverse finger pitches??
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2004, 12:06:49 AM »
actually, i was a pro-shop operator here in 2 years ago, in fact the reverse finger pitch is still a new concept for me, so I want to have some more information to make my correct move, my actual spec is full span 4 5/8, MF- 1/4 left 1/8 reverse, RF 7/16 right and no forward, thumb is 1/16 left and 3/16 reverse, this should be my actual spec for my hand structure, again, because of I hurt my finger when I played basketball, so may be you feel the spec is a little wired. I don't think I should have only 1 spec because in some condition I need to add some more side roll but in other case, I need to produce more forward roll, so I need the new spec for tuning my fingers layout in order to set my thumb in right or left literal pitch. I am so pleased that you guys help me a lot and let me clear my confused !

Edited on 4/30/2004 3:08 AM