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Author Topic: Thumb pitch vs. span (new pain)  (Read 2628 times)


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Thumb pitch vs. span (new pain)
« on: February 11, 2007, 04:51:13 AM »
Just adjusted my span due to ligamnet pain on the top side of my hand.  My ring finger was stretched farther than my right (also stretched).  My ring finger ended up getting shortened by 1/4" and the right was slightly less.  Also adjusted my thumb pitch from 3/8" reverse to 1/4" reverse (no lateral).  Initially, my hand felt much better.  The pain in the top of my hand is pretty much gone now, but after about a month of throwing the span, I am having pain in the joint of my wrist.  
   Total span's are 4 3/4" middle, 4 13/16" ring.  Should I try less reverse with this length span?  I do feel like I am sometimes losing it of my thumb early.
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Re: Thumb pitch vs. span (new pain)
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2007, 08:30:49 PM »
It is very difficult to say.  I watched your video and you appear to get the ball very far outside of a leverage position at the bottom of the swing.  This could cause you to "help" the ball with your wrist to get it on line.

Without actually looking at your hand it is impossible to say what is actually causing your pain.  The only thing I can see is your vid.


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Re: Thumb pitch vs. span (new pain)
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2007, 09:51:12 PM »
That vid is pretty old, I need to get a new one made one of these days.  I have seen a coach since then and have been working on not muscling the ball so much.  Not sure how I'm doing at getting the ball closer to my slide leg, but that is something I am hoping to be able to do also.  Thanks for the reply though.
Can someone who has the "book" tell me what the recommended amount of pitch is for my span?  Just want to see if I am close to what is recomended with this new span.  I have several more balls that need to have the span shortened, but don't want to do it until I decide if I need to adjust the pitches.
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Re: Thumb pitch vs. span (new pain)
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2007, 08:39:09 AM »
Book pitches as per Jayhawk.....4 3/4 span with very flexible thumb(able to lay back thumb 150 degrees) is 3/16 reverse. 135 deg avg flex is 1/4 reverse. 105 deg some flex is 5/16 reverse. 90 deg avg tight flex is 3/8 reverse. 75 deg tight flex is 7/16 reverse. This is a starting point but I have found it to be very close for most. Will also need to nail down your left right pitch based on rub spots and coke bottle test. Usually sore wrist is caused by too much squeeze pressure through out release with muscles clenched and thus fighting the normal flex of the wrist. Shortening your span was probably correct, but you now may need a smaller thumb hole because long spans require large holes and or massive bevel. If you are fighting dropping the ball you are probably squeezing to hold on to ball and thus the wrist pain. Check thumbhole size. You probably have been squeezing a long time and will have to train yourself to relax the pressure to straighten your thumb(you are probably bending at the joint of your thumb and your knuckle sticks out) A smaller hole will also require you to "not" knuckle your thumb and squeeze. Hope this helps, Al


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Re: Thumb pitch vs. span (new pain)
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2007, 06:34:32 PM »
Sounds like my amount of reverse is in the ball-park, not sure how you are measuring the angles for the flexability of the thumb though.  Is the with the the laid down across the palm down towards the pinky?  What position would your thumb be in to get a 90 degree angle?
Yes, I definitely think my thumb hole size can be smaller now.  I have had to put in a couple extra pieces of tape over what I used to have with the longer span. I just tried the coke bottle test and my thumb seems to be pointing at my middle finger tip (1/8 lateral under palm).  Also, I have a callous on the right side of my thumb (if looking at it with the palm down) at the knuckle.  What would adding the 1/8 lateral do for me?  Does the location of this callous indicate I need lateral in that direction?  Will it keep my thumb in the ball longer?
Thanks for all the feedback.

Edited on 2/12/2007 7:33 PM
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Re: Thumb pitch vs. span (new pain)
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2007, 10:01:01 PM »

The callous is probably from the long span and some "knuckling."  The flex test is similar to making a gun with your bowling hand and the thumb is your hammer. Instead of just using the index finger as the barrel you can leave them all out straight and see how far you can "pull back the hammer" (your thumb). For another thumb flex test you can bring the tip of your thumb over to the base of your pinky to palm. Then see if you can bend your thumb(without pulling with other hand) downward to your heartline in the palm. If you can go to or even below your heartline you are very flexible. Part way between heart and pinky base is avg. To base of pinky is tight or lower flex than avg. I actually have people do both tests. The right pitch(under palm) will help you stay in the ball some. It will also give you more confidence in feeling like you can get it right of target and still recover. It will promote somewhat more side turn also . As far as callous position you want to move pitch away from sore spot.  Thumb straight up and nail facing you...if sore on left side, needs more left pitch...right side sore then more right pitch.   In your case however a long span and too big a hole will cause a callous not alwayys exactly on the back of the knuckle but more to the side depending on release.

Also make sure tape is white in front and or black in the back, and that it is tight enough to not have to knucle to hold and yet release when relaxed. Al


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Re: Thumb pitch vs. span (new pain)
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2007, 01:11:50 PM »
Deadbait,   Thanks for your kind words. Just trying to help.