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Author Topic: Need aggressive drilling help (PLEASE?) and maybe a ball suggetstion.  (Read 2936 times)


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I have a friend who is a HIGH speed, medium revs player.  He wants a ball that will hook off his hand and continue to hook all the way through the deck.

  The last few he has drilled have been aggressive covers, but drilled with a stacked type drilling.  He asked me about a few balls last night, then asked me if he got one, would I set it up for him.  Not wanting to disappoint, I told him I would try.

  I don't know his pap yet, but I am going to find it before we drill anything, so that isn't a problem.  He sounds like he has settled on the storm T-Road solid, so it looks like it will be a symmetric drilling.

  What is the absolute most aggressive drilling you can put into one of these things?  Is it as simple as 3 3/8 X 3 3/8 or is there some secret thing that I need to know.  Since the ball doesn't have a mb to speak of, would it be effectual to use the cg, or should I measure of to the virtual mb placement and use that as a reference point?

  He has used several aggressive balls recently, including a lane#1 carbide plus and a MoRich seek & destroy.  He liked the seek and destroy at first, but said it seemed to slow down quite a bit lately and he wants something more aggressive than this.  I was thinking more along the lines of very high differential ( as in the visionary immortal ) to help get it going early and keep it going for the length of the lane.

  Wanted to stay away from particles and go with a dull, solid reactive so the maintenance would be simpler.  He ain't a big ball maintenance kind of guy, but he does clean his stuff after he gets done for the night.
What did you expect, something PROFOUND?

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Re: Need aggressive drilling help (PLEASE?) and maybe a ball suggetstion.
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2008, 07:41:55 PM »
His/your driller is the one who should be doing this. Not you canvassing ballreviews for drilling secrets. Sorry. I'm sure if answers to your questions will allow you to do what you think you want to do.

Drilling is half science, half art, and half voo-doo. No humor intended.

You need to take into account his ball speed/rev rate ratio, ball speed, rev rate, PAP, tilt, rotation, lane oil pattern, and lane surface before picking out a ball, no less a drilling AND a surface for that ball. A god, eduated, experienced driller is the proper one to combine those factors and make the right choice.

Unless he is somewhat consistent in his delivery, he make still not like the ball fo rmore than 20 seconds, from the tone of your post.

I have some questions you might want to consider before proceeding -
As for his Seek and Destroy and Caride Plus no longer performing, does/did he clean it/them after every league session and practice BEFORE putting it/them back into the bag. Has it/they ever been rejuvenated by ANY method?

and why is he so anxious to stay away from particles? (bet it has something to do with PERCEIVED "ball death" (even though Lanemasters particles are some the longest lasting balls made these days. ).

Nice to be a friend, but can you provide the miracles he's looking for? (no sarcasm & no joke intended)

GOod luck.
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Edited on 2/25/2008 8:42 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Need aggressive drilling help (PLEASE?) and maybe a ball suggetstion.
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2008, 07:55:13 PM »
The most aggressive drill is pin on the bowlers axis. This is instant roll, with all skid provide by the ball's cover and the bowler's ball speed and tilt. Such drillings usually do not flare.

The most aggressive flaring drill that I know about is the one Ebonite used to call Rev Leverage. Pin was at 3 3/8" but it was on a line from the center of the grip to the bowler's PAP. The CG was located straight down in the thumb positive quadrant and it required a weight hole, usually 6 3/4" over to provide even more flare. Of course high track bowlers need to use a higher pin position.

This Ebonite web page has a reference to Rev leverage":

See Drilling #3 on this page:
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Re: Need aggressive drilling help (PLEASE?) and maybe a ball suggetstion.
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2008, 09:16:38 PM »
Thanks for your help?

What did you expect, something PROFOUND?

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Re: Need aggressive drilling help (PLEASE?) and maybe a ball suggetstion.
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2008, 10:05:18 PM »
Go with a 4 3/4 x 2", pin over the ring, CG down using a 4" pin out ball. =:^D


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Re: Need aggressive drilling help (PLEASE?) and maybe a ball suggetstion.
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2008, 04:43:06 AM »
I have a friend who is a HIGH speed, medium revs player. He wants a ball that will hook off his hand and continue to hook all the way through the deck.

I don't know his pap yet

Hey Juggernaut,

Please find his pap as our standard leverage position does not react the same for all.  If it were that easy, then all of us should get the same reaction if drilled at that position on the same ball holding the same properties and it just doesn't.  Too many variables involved as Charlest has stated...

Leverage (3 3/8) comes from the simple facts of a ball's physical properties.

1) 27 inches in diameter...half of that
2) 13.5......half of that
3) 6 3/4....our given mass bias distance, not prespun.....half of that
4) 3 3/8....leverage

If his pap is 4 over zero vertical, it will not roll like a person who is 5 over with zero vertical with a pin placement of 3 3/8.  How can it, agree?

The Rising, Cell, Centaur AMB, Scorching Inferno and not sure what the latest is from LaneMasters or Storm (but they're covers are also pretty strong) should offer the cover strength as requested to some degree (some covers may need to be adjusted for his lane conditions).  Find his pap and we'll try and help with a layout for earlier roll with continuation, thanks.
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Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Re: Need aggressive drilling help (PLEASE?) and maybe a ball suggetstion.
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2008, 05:33:03 AM »
The most aggresive rill is the 3 3/8. But you can put the pin closer to the pap to get the ball into a roll more quickly.
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Re: Need aggressive drilling help (PLEASE?) and maybe a ball suggetstion.
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2008, 12:57:16 AM »
I had something of a similar nature. HIgh speed bowler with med revs so i drilled him up and orange ogre solid and used a 3 inch pin to pap and drilled for an earlier roll. He is a junior bowler but his ave has went up in 3-4 months  about 12-15 pins. Very good ball with that drilling on it.


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Re: Need aggressive drilling help (PLEASE?) and maybe a ball suggetstion.
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2008, 06:00:48 PM »
I just drilled a Resurgence with the pin in ring finger and 20*mb (cg).  This is by far the most aggressive ball/layout I have ever had.