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Author Topic: What is the effect of placing a pin on the VAL...  (Read 4933 times)


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What is the effect of placing a pin on the VAL...
« on: June 04, 2009, 07:06:44 PM »
...about 4 inches up from the PAP?

I've got balls with short pin buffer distances (i.e., 1.5 inches, etc.) but nothing with the pin directly on the VAL.

There are several reasons for the question, not the least of which is I'm about to acquire a fairly long-pin asymmetrical ball, and where I'm considering putting the  markers would have the pin pretty much right on my VAL, the MB in a standard position (thumb-positive quadrant), with the CG pretty much halfway between the ring and thumb.

Ball is a 900G Break Pearl. What kind of reaction will this produce, and what kind would it produce if the surface was a solid instead of a pearl? Thanks.




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Re: What is the effect of placing a pin on the VAL...
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2009, 04:09:59 AM »
Skid-Flip the the nth degree, regardless of pearl or solid coverstocks.  It's usually a very fast transition at the breakpoint as well.  If it works on a particular shot that's great, but when it's time to put it away, it's time to put it away.

Pin is about 1/2" of my VAL -¤t=IMG_0331.jpg

I know the Toxic is symmetrical, but you should see very similar characteristics.  I would warn against putting the pin directly on your VAL though.  Bad things can happen to the ball reaction if you were to spin the ball rather than release it with more on an up the back release.

The once hot "Tommy Jones" layout is somewhat similar to what you're looking to do.


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Re: What is the effect of placing a pin on the VAL...
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2009, 05:56:44 AM »
The problem with putting the pin on the VAL is that it will more than likely cause the ball to flair in the reverse direction and very possibly roll over the holes.


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Re: What is the effect of placing a pin on the VAL...
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2009, 07:54:36 AM »
I don't know if you want to do this with the Break pearl, the one I just got that is a pin about 3/4 inch under ring coming out to a 4 1/2 x 5 1/2 layout still flips on the backend like crazy.

I would think that drill would mak it uncontrollable
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Re: What is the effect of placing a pin on the VAL...
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2009, 10:43:59 AM »
Skid-Flip the the nth degree, regardless of pearl or solid coverstocks.  It's usually a very fast transition at the breakpoint as well.  If it works on a particular shot that's great, but when it's time to put it away, it's time to put it away.

Pin is about 1/2" of my VAL -¤t=IMG_0331.jpg

I know the Toxic is symmetrical, but you should see very similar characteristics.  I would warn against putting the pin directly on your VAL though.  Bad things can happen to the ball reaction if you were to spin the ball rather than release it with more on an up the back release.

The once hot "Tommy Jones" layout is somewhat similar to what you're looking to do.

I have the Jones layout on a couple of balls already and that layout works very well for me. For whatever reason, pins high up are very usable for me whereas I have my most difficulty with pin-down layouts and pins within 3 inches of the PAP.

I am concerned about three things you guys mentioned: Reverse flair, the condition-specific nature of the drill pattern plus the fact that a Break Pearl doesn't need much help being angular in the first place.


Edited on 6/5/2009 10:59 AM


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Re: What is the effect of placing a pin on the VAL...
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2009, 11:16:33 PM »
i had a amf MJ slam drilled like that... loved fresh backends and broke down shots(2nd 3rd or late shift).   didnt like oil and HATED carry down.  never had much use for it. it was a 1 gamer ball.  LOL