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Author Topic: Need layout and ball suggestions for rev dominate low tilt player  (Read 5042 times)


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Got back into the sport a few months ago after a 30+ year hiatus. Resin balls had not been created so I am still learning and getting used to way the game is played now. Issue that I am having is with one of the house shots at the center closest to me. THS but the back ends scream. Other houses I have been to don't seem as bad.

I have punched a few balls already, Wolverine is the best resin ball that I have for this house but I am starting at the left gutter throwing to the right on the fresh. Still backends are squirrelly and nowhere to move unless I want to loft over the ditch. Zen (4k fast) is too much ball, UC3 to early and backend too strong. The best ball I have to play a decent part of the lane and blend out the pattern without over reaction in the backend is the Purple Hammer. I would be fine playing with this ball but when fall season comes around and I am playing with people that know what I am doing to the pattern, I don't want to put my teammates in a bad place.

Looking for an resin alternative, heard a short pin layout might be the way to go but need some advice. What kind of ball would be a good match to the layout and condition?



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Re: Need layout and ball suggestions for rev dominate low tilt player
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2022, 12:06:26 PM »
What layout do you currently have on the Wolverine?
Sounds like you need a weaker core and cover, with a flare controlling pin to pap, and large val angles\pin buffers to extend the hook phase and transition.
The pearl variants of a Hustle, Electrify, Burner... 5.5" pin to pap, or 1.5" pin to pap, and 60+ degree val angle.
For pure control and low tilt, I'd probably lean to the shorter 1.5" lin direction.  Maybe take the polish down to 4k or 5500, to help it bleed a bit more energy earlier depending on how it looks, to really try and prevent over reaction to friction.


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Re: Need layout and ball suggestions for rev dominate low tilt player
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2022, 03:19:26 PM »
Looks like the my Wolverine is 24.5 x 5 x 22 dual angle layout or 5 x 2.5 x 1.5 pin buffer layout


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Re: Need layout and ball suggestions for rev dominate low tilt player
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2022, 06:26:57 AM »
Got back into the sport a few months ago after a 30+ year hiatus. Resin balls had not been created so I am still learning and getting used to way the game is played now. Issue that I am having is with one of the house shots at the center closest to me. THS but the back ends scream. Other houses I have been to don't seem as bad.

I have punched a few balls already, Wolverine is the best resin ball that I have for this house but I am starting at the left gutter throwing to the right on the fresh. Still backends are squirrelly and nowhere to move unless I want to loft over the ditch. Zen (4k fast) is too much ball, UC3 to early and backend too strong. The best ball I have to play a decent part of the lane and blend out the pattern without over reaction in the backend is the Purple Hammer. I would be fine playing with this ball but when fall season comes around and I am playing with people that know what I am doing to the pattern, I don't want to put my teammates in a bad place.

Looking for an resin alternative, heard a short pin layout might be the way to go but need some advice. What kind of ball would be a good match to the layout and condition?

As someone who is rev dominate myself; the reason your Wolverine rolls good for you and the Zen does not is due to the RG.  Higher RG balls want to go longer down the lane before the core wants to take over.  The Wolverine has a high RG and the Zen has a low RG meaning the core wants to have an affect on ball reaction sooner.  This may surprise some people since everyone on here knows I am an advocate on short pin layouts but this is one time I am going the opposite direction. 

I would recommend a ball like a Hustle Camo or Raw Hammer Black and put a long pin to PAP of around 5.5 inches.  Short pin layouts offer control but the overall ball roll is very much like urethane without the degrading of the oil pattern.  This would be better suited for flatter/tournament patterns.  If you are bowling house patterns, I would steer away from the short pin and go with a longer pin to PAP just to delay the cores affect.  I am including a couple videos just so you can see how these balls roll.

Raw Hammer:
Hustle Camo:
Steven Vance
Former Pro Shop Operator
Former Classic Products Assistant Manager


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Re: Need layout and ball suggestions for rev dominate low tilt player
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2022, 03:17:19 PM »
Thank you both for your input. I have a new Burner Pearl being sent to me by an old friend. Is it in the same range as the Camo or should I buy one?

BTW my axis tilt is around 7 degrees 


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Re: Need layout and ball suggestions for rev dominate low tilt player
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2022, 05:34:14 PM »
I like the shape of the Raw Hammer, seemed a little more tame on the backend. I have a lot more hand than that guy in the video so it might be the better choice


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Re: Need layout and ball suggestions for rev dominate low tilt player
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2022, 06:49:21 AM »
Thank you both for your input. I have a new Burner Pearl being sent to me by an old friend. Is it in the same range as the Camo or should I buy one?

BTW my axis tilt is around 7 degrees 

My axis tilt is pretty similar.  The Burner Pearl will be a step up from the Hustles and Raw Hammers.  Plus, if you are looking for control, a pearl is typically not the way to go.  However, what you could do it drill the ball with the pin below the fingers which can help with that.  Maybe a layout like 5 - 5.5 inch pin to PAP and 70 degree VAL angle.  The longer pin to PAP will help the ball get down the lane and the 70 degree VAL angle will help to tone down the backend.  If it isnt enough; then you can take the polish off with a 3000 abralon pad. 

If control is what you are looking for, then higher end pearls and asymmetric cored ball you need to steer away from.  That is why you have a hard time with the Wolverine, Zen, and UC3.  Your wheelhouse is going to be lower/mid performance lines like the Hustles, Raw Hammers, and even the new Messengers.  The strongest ball I would recommend for you may be a Scorpion (my go to on house shots).  Unless your ball speed is at least 17 mph (which it doesnt sound like it if you cant control those other 3 balls you mentioned); stay away from balls that have RGs lower than 2.50. 
Steven Vance
Former Pro Shop Operator
Former Classic Products Assistant Manager