A couple of things to consider with regard to plugging.
Plug has a shelf life, usually 1 year, although I guess you could go longer depending on your storage habits. Quality may suffer. Also, it tends to be sold it large quantities - relatively speaking.
I don't keep records of amounts used when I plug, but generally speaking you can do a full plug with 4 oz of plug - 2 of thumb and 1 for each finger.
1 gallon is 128 oz. Most plug is a 2 gallon kit (1 to 1 mix is 1 gallon of each side), so that is enough to plug 64 balls. That number sounds really high to me, so I'm sure my numbers are off.....just using that as an example.
I bought this kit 2 years ago, and have just opened the last bottle of resin:
http://www.bowlingindex.com/store/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=BI&Category_Code=PST&Product_Code=PL-EPSKitI haven't noticed any quality issues yet.
Occasionally you can find it sold in smaller amounts like 2 quarts.
A while back somebody was selling personal "routers" on ebay. There were basically a tool similiar to this with a special shield:
http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=42831Actually, I found it:
http://www.webspawner.com/users/bowling1/I will say this - plugging may look easy, but it one of the hardest things to do correctly - meaning having a good color match, and a good, clean, smooth finish.
FWIW, at my local pro shops it's usually cheaper to have them plug and redrill a hole then it is to have them drill a hole.......not sure why that is? Haven't checked in a while, but it used to be $40 for a full plug (up to 4 holes) and redrill, and $60 to drill a blank. They also had a single price, something like $10 for x-hole, $10 per finger, and $20 for thumb.
Not sure how a shop would feel about cutting down and redrilling a ball that a customer plugged themselves. That introduces a whole lot variables and risks if there is a problem.