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Author Topic: NEED SOME SUGGESTION/HELP  (Read 1047 times)


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« on: October 16, 2003, 03:56:38 AM »
For several years now I have bowled on only one League a week on a Fairly easy Xmas tree house shot and have carried over 220. In the past on bowled on several leagues in several different houses and carried a composite average of about 208. I have recently started to bowl on a challenge league where we use different PBA and Senior PBA patterns changing the pattern every two weeks. I have the following equipment 1. Columbia Wicked drilled with a 4X4 patter with the pin about 1/2 inch right and above my ring finger. 2. Roto Grip Top Fuel with a 5X5 drill with the pin above the ring finger. My style would be describe as a tweener that stays behind the ball a long time with 18MPH ball speed with medium amount of hook. I have good balance at the line and can repeat shots with a fair amount of accuracy. I'm having trouble getting a consistent look out of either ball and could use some help with equipment and layout suggestion.
Jeff Duncan
Jeff Duncan
A bad day bowling is better then a good day at work.


the pooh

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« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2003, 01:18:37 AM »
I would try a 10:30 layout such as 4x3,5x3 or so.If you use the degree system,try something between 25 and 45 degrees.Everything you have is stacked,and sometimes a stack does not give the best control.Depending on the top weight you start with and your track,you may or may not need a weight hole.If you need a weight hole,you can position it on the pap or along the val to control how soon the ball starts up.The closer to 3 3/8" from the pap,the sooner it will roll and earlier it will set(hook and set drilling=10:30 layout).You may have to experiment with pin above and below the bridge.Below is generally a little earlier and somewhat smoother.Remember, your best percentage chance of striking is when the ball stops hooking 3' in front of the pocket.
the pooh


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« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2003, 04:29:32 AM »
hi-for the sport shot you need a low flare ball....what you have may be too much.,,,look for something with 1-3 inches of flare and drill pin above fingers and cg slight out for smooth arc to pocket.good luck scottie