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Author Topic: Nemesis drilling suggestion  (Read 1431 times)


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Nemesis drilling suggestion
« on: February 18, 2005, 10:43:30 PM »
I just got a Nemesis and I'm not sure how to have it drilled.

Specs are:
Gross: 14lb 3oz
Top: 2.7 oz
Pin: 2-3"

I'll be using it in mostly medium to heavy oil.  My specs are in my profile - 14.5 mph and around 350 rpm.  I track high.  I usually play between 2 and 3rd arrow - straight with a slight hook or flip at the end.  I'd like to be able to play 3rd or 4th arrow with a little bit more hook.

I know that with my style this ball won't make me a hook monster, I just want something that will give me the ability to play a different line.  I haven't had any luck with any aggressive drillings or with drillings with weight holes.

Also, how to do you find the CG on this ball?  Is it the crown in the "B"?

Edited on 2/19/2005 9:29 AM



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Re: Nemesis drilling suggestion
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2005, 05:21:39 PM »
if your ballspeed is 14.5mph and your rev rate is 350rpm you are a hook monster. that is a lot of revs for much slower than average ballspeed. you will need to play deeper on the lane with a nemesis. this ball comes from the factory wetsanded 800 grit. you will need to have the surface much smoother and probably polished as well. the cg is a simple punchmark. if you haven't had any luck with aggressive drilling patterns then don't try one now. placing the pin over the fingers and the cg in the center of the grip will result in a little track flare without getting excessive. this is a skid/flip drilling though---be forewarned.

Edited on 2/20/2005 6:22 PM


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Re: Nemesis drilling suggestion
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2005, 09:03:05 AM »
Okay, sorry for the mis-information.  I had somebody look at a video of my release and it appears that I get about 210 rpm.  I thought 350 sounded really high.

Is 210 rpm average, or below-average?

Looking at the drilling sheet, it looks like I should go with either 1L or 2L.  Does anybody know what the major differences are between the two?

1L (Heavy Oil) - Pin 3 3/8" from PAP.  Pin above and to the right of ring finger.
2L (Medium Oil) - Pin 4 1/2" from PAP.  Pin above and slightly to ring of ring.


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Re: Nemesis drilling suggestion
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2005, 09:09:29 AM »
1 L is really strong in the backends and as the numbers go up the strength in the backend goes down. It depends on what you are looking for but with your high track I would go with something that will control because with your high track, an aggressive drilling will either burn up or be too aggressive for you. But as I said it all depends on what you are looking for. With your 210rpm I would go with the 2L then put an 800 polish on the ball, this will help the ball save energy and have more energy for the pins.
But the LORD is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation. Jeremiah 10:10


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Re: Nemesis drilling suggestion
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2005, 10:48:10 AM »
Just an update.

I dropped the ball off for drilling and suggested 2L.  I wanted a smooth arc (I guess more of the E drillings), but the E drillings warned that high trackers might hit the finger holes.  Anyways, I picked it up and the guy had drilled it 2E.  I was worried that I might track over the fingers, but the ball was fine.  It gave me just the read I was looking for - laydown around 20, out to about 12 (occasionally out to 5 if I miss my mark), but the ball always seems to find the pocket.

First game I threw a 211!  2nd game only a 158.  I'm a 159 avg and it was Saturday afternoon kiddie fest, so the oil didn't last too long!  Leagues are tonight, so I hope to do better with some fresh oil.

Thanks for the advice!