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Author Topic: New Fit !!  (Read 3929 times)


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New Fit !!
« on: October 10, 2003, 11:10:46 PM »
A couple weeks back, I had the pleasure of meeting "king of the mill" from this board.  What a nice guy, AND,...a genius to boot !  He came up to my league and noticed right away something was wrong.  No, not that I flat out sucked, but, ...., ...

He asked to see my ball in between frames,..had me put my hand in my ball and said ..."'re way too long....especially in your middle finger!"

MMMMMMmmmmmm, made me wonder, we kept talking.......well, today I had one of my balls redone and refitted by the King!  I'm having my ring finger moved just a touch, but my middle was almost 1/2 inch too long !!  He showed me the difference in my ball and the "fitting" ball, and was SOO much more relaxed !!  And I thought I had a great grip....guess not !

Also, my thumb will now be zero, lat, no reverse, no forward....

It's all making sense.........Monday I pick up the ball and I'll throw a few...

I can't wait!!

More to follow...........

But first a question...........Is there anyone out there that was originally fitted "old school" and then we refitted properly "current thought"...if so, was it a big transition, or was it easier than you thought ?

Please share your experience.........thx !

Remember, one who expects NEVER dissapointed !

Edited on 10/13/2003 7:58 AM

Edited on 10/13/2003 7:59 AM



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Re: New Fit !!
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2003, 07:49:58 AM »
ttt.........edited w/ a question at the end !
Remember, one who expects NEVER dissapointed !

Edited on 10/13/2003 7:59 AM


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Re: New Fit !!
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2003, 09:11:05 AM »
WHOA!!! 1/2" difference?? Didn't you get blood blisters on your fingertip?? Didn't you get pain??

Over the years, I have gone from 5" & 5 1/8" down to 4 27/32" in each (slight drop in ring finger span to reduce ring finger kuckle tendonitis). I fooled around a bit with thumb's reverse and went from 1/4" to 3/8" reverse and now down to 1/8" reverse, and added 1/4" left about 18 months ago. I'll probably drop down to 0 reverse and another slight reduction in span, if I can talk my driller into it ...
"Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."

Edited on 10/13/2003 9:22 AM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: New Fit !!
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2003, 09:15:40 AM »
WHOA!!! 1/2" difference?? Didn't you get blood blisters on your fingertip?? Didn't you get pain??'s wierd, I've never noticed, but it was pointed out to me that my middle finger starts to come out of the hole when I go to put my thumb in the ball and the back of my nail touches the  wall of the grip....not supposed to ........

I'm very anxious to pick this thing up today...can't wait.........

Remember, one who expects NEVER dissapointed !


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Re: New Fit !!
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2003, 06:45:41 PM »
Jeff: I'm glad that "King of the Mill" found a flaw in the span of your grip. From what you described, your span is way too long and needs to be adjusted. Shame on your current driller for doing such a poor job.

Having said all this, don't be surprised if the new relaxed grip with zero on the thumb pitches feels strange at release. And by strange, I mean possibly feeling like you can't get out of the ball. Anytime you introduce a change as radical as what you are going to try, it can be tough to adjust, even if it's more "correct".

In my case, I experimented with taking just 1/8 inch off my span and going from 7/16 to 3/16 reverse on the thumb. Well after one year of this, I'm going back to the longer span with more reverse. Despite all the hype about relaxed spans and zero (or even forward) thumb pitches, it just wasn't for me. It worked OK and felt great gripping the ball, but we all have different levels of hand flexibility, and I could not get 100% comfortable at release.

I gave you my experience not to discourage you, but to indicate that the change you're about to try might not be the final answer. Go with the King's recommendation, but don't be afraid to try variations if after a period of time it doesn't feel right. Keep an open mind, experiment, and you'll find the right solution. Remember, with respect to grips, there isn't a universally correct answer for all.    


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Re: New Fit !!
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2003, 06:47:09 PM »
I have a question everyone..Is my span to long? I mean on my left hand my pads of my fingers are like a dark orange or orangish brown...I also have little specs that seemed to be under the skin and some look deep but i can like see them right through my skin..What are these or what is this? Could my span be to long? Also on my nail on my middle finger there are some darker lines, not many but like 3 or 4 of them and on my ring theres 1 light one..Can anyone tell me why this is or if my span is to long or what? Thanks  for everything

Im as consistent as my ball reaction.
If for every shot my cherry bomb carried a 7 pin id be rich..But im not..Whats that say?


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Re: New Fit !!
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2003, 07:07:35 PM »
Well i had tendon problems about 4 weeks ago that was just nightmarish..It got so bad i couldnt hold a ball..Then it just went away..My finger inserts on my thrash are pretty tight but i am all about feel and love them that way and beleive i throw that ball the best because of it..But im not sure..

Anyone else?

Im as consistent as my ball reaction.

Edited on 10/13/2003 7:17 PM
If for every shot my cherry bomb carried a 7 pin id be rich..But im not..Whats that say?


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Re: New Fit !!
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2003, 08:51:31 PM »
Steven....thanks....but I picked up the ball and threw a game with it real quick.....WOW !!!  How nice !!  Smooth, comes right out of my hand like buttah !

It does feel a little different, but I really like it.  My ball feels lighter !! Better control, more doubt and God knows I could use a couple more !

Anyhow......we'll see how it goes tomorrow night !

Remember, one who expects NEVER dissapointed !


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Re: New Fit !!
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2003, 11:33:34 PM »
Nice work, KOM.
Jeff's a lucky guy.
When someone's work is proven to be GOOD, initial stumbling blocks no longer seem to matter much.

"Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: New Fit !!
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2003, 12:50:17 AM »
are there any signs of having a short span??

i have some pain on my wrist and my driller said i turn my hard too hard.


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Re: New Fit !!
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2003, 06:49:19 AM »
hey revs,

i am glad you are enjoying the grip so far.... good luck tomorrow night!

You know how this house is and how I feel about it, ...well today I'm ready to go...for the first time...I'm very much looking forward to it!


don't sell yourself short, jeff.  you've got game, it just needs a 'lil polish to get it gleaming.

remember - unfold the hinge! (and stick the finish!!)

Thanks King! I wouldn't consider myself having "game" ...but I'll accept the comment !!

UNFOLD AND STICK!!! ....You got it !


for those interested in the exact amount of change, 7/16" shorter to the MF, 1/4" to the ring.  reduction of reverse in the thumb 17/64" (not quite back to zero) and removed unnecessary right pitch.  took the thumb from a slightly ovaled funnel to a (much needed) proper oval (revs thumb is FLAT).  rolled all laterals to help reduce axis tilt and rotation.

Yeah, ....exactly what KOTM said ...yup!

Funny thing is..........after coming onto this board in Nov. of 2001 and learning as much as I have (or felt that I have)...after spending some time talking to KOTM,...I don't know JACK SQUAT !!!  There is sooooooooooooo much more out there that I don't even want to try to understand, way to deep for me.

Don't get me wrong, a general understanding of it 's fine, but jeeeeezzz, come on!!

Remember, one who expects NEVER dissapointed !


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Re: New Fit !!
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2003, 12:21:02 PM »

there is a universal truth with bowling grips..... one that allows you to repeat to the best of your ability without pain is always the correct one.


King, good job on the wording. Soon we'll be able to spin words and phrases together

Anyway, I meant no disrespect to your adjustment of Jeff's grip. He's happy, so you apparently did a good job. My only message was that he still might find that further adjustments could be necessary. There is no one single bowling grip that allows each and every bowler "to repeat to the best of your ability without pain". I'd be surprised if you successfully use the same type of span and thumb pitches for all. If you do, you have a technique that that can be marketed and thereby make you a very rich man.

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Re: New Fit !!
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2003, 12:35:09 PM »
There is no one single bowling grip that allows each and every bowler "to repeat to the best of your ability without pain". I'd be surprised if you successfully use the same type of span and thumb pitches for all. If you do, you have a technique that that can be marketed and thereby make you a very rich man.

Steven....he didn't say that at all....he's saying for each individual there is a certain know what he meant......
Remember, one who expects NEVER dissapointed !