XXX you sound great and like a professional driller. As to pain,,,I've never ended up with a bowler having it after applying Bill Taylor rules(Including Coke bottle test), Mo Pinel bevel tips(very important), and watching release and thumb wear and ball roll and making slight tweaks off above.
Someone on watching everyones pitch and grip....I like watching the very best, the very worst in all form sports in general. To me it is interesting why people are very good and very bad, fun. For you it would be anal!
I also watch those who ask me and say...things like..."it hurts", "it hangs up", "I can't turn it", and "Would you help me?". Usually they get better.
Just Rico, on details and what you are going to explain. It sounds like many of the details will be in your book. I'm convinced it will have in lateral pitch....when a specific case is discussed it will say more than...."it's just another angle". That is why you are writing a "Book", to expand on that idea...I am sure. I do look forward to it because it has been a long time since Bill Taylor wrote his classic. I was fortunate to meet him several years ago while he expanded on the ideas in that book personally. I have also been flattered to discuss with Mo Pinel many of his ideas on fit.
To me it is a fascinating subject and I liked some of the discussions above on hard hand, soft hand, etc. That was informative and enjoyable....Thanks.
PS I just looked at some of the pictures and graphs in Bill Taylors book and I saw many different release positions discussed, put in photos, and then illustrated in his pictures of ball, fingers and tracks. Way back in 1974 he sure seemed to discuss a lot more than the classic what I used to call "Suitcase" which I remember a teeny bit as what we also call 90 degree axis rotation or I think as Bill Taylor called 3 O'clock.
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.
James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana