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Author Topic: new tech?.....please!  (Read 1438 times)


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new tech?.....please!
« on: October 02, 2003, 09:37:23 PM »
I am new to posting here, but have sponged everything I can from this site for years. Basically, I am now trying to learn about drillings and of course their effects on the ball. For some reason being a fairly intelligent person (hey, I have some just have trouble learning without seeing what you guys are talking about. I have wondered if others feel the same. I also wondered if perhaps either the bright-dollar posters here or the site admin. could create a generic ball that you guys could use similar to a dry-erase board???? The poster could pull it up and place the pin, cg, balance holes, etc. etc. etc. where they would like while explaining their layouts. I believe this would help us in drilling class, as well as helping the tudors get their points across.



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Re: new tech?.....please!
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2003, 01:52:19 PM »
Thier is something like this already.If you want go to jayhawk bowling and download thier grip wear demo.then if some one was relating to a paticular layout they could give you the measurments used so you could look at it.I use it to help identify layout for my wife and me sometimes before I even touch the ball. its a 15 meg download so if you dont have high speed it may take a while.
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