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Author Topic: No Thumb Drilling Help  (Read 10714 times)


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No Thumb Drilling Help
« on: March 13, 2012, 06:13:22 PM »
I have a question for the experts here, as I am looking for some help
I am going over to throwing No-Thumb after an accident with my thumb has left me with little option, and I wanted a few drilling/layout questions answered for my own peace of mind.
1. I was looking at Jason Belmonte's layouts, and noticed that he has an offset thumb, apparenntly due to the roll of his ball. Is this common for no thumb players?
2. How do you work out the 'span' for a no thumb player? Mainly, how do you measure where to put the thumb hole, is it just a case of seeing where the centre of the palm is?
3. SHould you put any pitch on the fingers, or is it a bowler by bowler decision? Seen some suggestions that zero pitch is best for no thumb bowlers to prevent pulling.
Many thanks in advance, as I am hoping some positive answers will cheer me up a little 



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Re: No Thumb Drilling Help
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2012, 07:53:52 PM »
ill do my best to help u out some. he off sets his thumb to take weight out of the ball like a weight hole that way he dont have to have a weight hole. as far as where to put it ur pro shop should be able to fig that out may help to be in diff spots on diff balls i am not sure about finger pitches.


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Re: No Thumb Drilling Help
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2012, 04:00:28 AM »
Total.....Your only restictions are ABC mandated weight limits.     A good starting point would be to put the pin between your fingers up one inch with a 2-4" inch pin.  Throw the ball to establish your track.  Drill the thumbhole to miss your track and legalize your weights.    Don't sweat the pin position and weights as long as they are legal.  A thumbless release negates most pin positions and weights, only surface and release really matters.


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Re: No Thumb Drilling Help
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2012, 04:47:13 AM »
If I read you right, bull, it sounds like you're saying the way the ball is drilled won't make a big difference for him as long as it's legal.  If that is what you meant, I respectfully disagree.  To begin as a no thumber I would agree it's not something to worry about too hard until after you figure out how your ball tracks, how much if at all your PAP changes, and all that jazz.  After that, though, it'll affect ball reaction as much as it would for anyone else, and you'll find having different drillings as useful as anyone else would.  I bowl no thumb and although I can manipulate my ball reaction A LOT, I still can't take the same bowling ball drilled two significantly different ways and make them react even approximately the same.


To the OP: if you're not planning on going two-handed, I can't say enough good things about using a pinky hole.  I've found the biggest drawback to the no thumb style is that the ball doesn't always stay very well balanced in the back swing.  Two hands fixes that pretty quick, but a pinky hole does a great job if you only use one.  It also opens up more hand position options and makes it easier to change your tilt.  Just my two cents.

bullred wrote on 3/15/2012 2:00 AM:
Total.....Your only restictions are ABC mandated weight limits.     A good starting point would be to put the pin between your fingers up one inch with a 2-4" inch pin.  Throw the ball to establish your track.  Drill the thumbhole to miss your track and legalize your weights.    Don't sweat the pin position and weights as long as they are legal.  A thumbless release negates most pin positions and weights, only surface and release really matters.


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Re: No Thumb Drilling Help
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2012, 12:12:46 PM »
Thanks for all of the help guys, a lot to consider here. Due to my injury I have not had a chance to get to the alley to throw, or to the shop to get something drilled. Is there a good chance that if I throw my own equipment as is that it will track over the thumb or fingers?