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Author Topic: Getting confused here...  (Read 1691 times)


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Getting confused here...
« on: January 21, 2006, 06:54:31 AM »
I've heard a lot of mixed views on pin axis drillings. Some said they're great for drier lanes and control while others used them in heavier volumes of oil. On the Track site under the Delta drillings, pin position 4 with pin creates most length and least amount of flare. Sounds to me like length and a smooth backend. Here's the text direct from Track:

pin 1 1/4" to 2 1/2" from PAP) Pin position 4 places the Delta 1 core in a much more stable position. This
produces the most length and least amount of track flare of all recommended drillings.
Recommended lane condition: Light oil.

However, on the Visionary site under the drillings for the Slateblue Gargoyle, a pin axis drilling creates an early heavy roll. Text from Visionary:

This provides an extremely early heavy roll with a very smooth controlled back end. Best for taking wet/dry conditions out of play when a strong back end layout isn't needed or desired. This allows the ball to get into a roll as soon as possible with very little flare.

My friend, Loudstriker, has been having a lot of trouble on drying lanes and were trying to figure out a good layout for those lanes. I think he's narrowed it down to the Slateblue Gargoyle but pondering over the layout. But what site it correct? Or does the core make a huge difference? Whereas the Delta core when drilled with about a 1" pin to pap creates most length but least flare. And the SBG when drilled with pin axis, creates an early heavy roll. I'm confused. Can anyone shed some light?

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Re: Getting confused here...
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2006, 04:46:20 PM »
Both a pin close to the pap(pin axis) and a drilling close to the track produce very little track flare as there is little imbalance in both positions.

Track flare early in the lane makes one lose energy and have to cover a lot of boards in the heads and midlane if the surface has little oil!
Little track flare from both of the above pin positions has the ball roll over it's previous oily spot over and over and over reducing board coverage.


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Re: Getting confused here...
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2006, 06:33:22 PM »
The difference in the descriptions reflects the difference between the design of the Delta1's asymmetric core and the Gargoyle's symmetric core.

The flare and behavior of the two designs are not comparable; they must be treated completely differently.

so the descriptions for each are completely correct.

The Slate Blue is a light oil ball; Because it is urethane its behavior is not completely predicted by looking ONLY at the core's performance. In each of those descriptions the DRILLING's performance is ONLY WITH RESPECT TO THE SAME BALL'S WITH A DIFFERENT DRILLING. I have a Slate Blue and it almost, I feel, needs a higher pin position to get needed length, UNLESS you already have a high ball speed.

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Re: Getting confused here...
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2006, 09:49:52 PM »
The difference in the descriptions reflects the difference between the design of the Delta1's asymmetric core and the Gargoyle's symmetric core.

The flare and behavior of the two designs are not comparable; they must be treated completely differently.

so the descriptions for each are completely correct.

The Slate Blue is a light oil ball; Because it is urethane its behavior is not completely predicted by looking ONLY at the core's performance. In each of those descriptions the DRILLING's performance is ONLY WITH RESPECT TO THE SAME BALL'S WITH A DIFFERENT DRILLING. I have a Slate Blue and it almost, I feel, needs a higher pin position to get needed length, UNLESS you already have a high ball speed.

Jeff has it right....most folks don't take into account the difference in core's, difference in covers, difference in differential's, etal.  You can NOT take ALL specs NOT into account to get the SAME results.
