Just drilled a Fury axis/leverage. pin distance was 4.25. Took the cover to 2000 abralon. Flares about 6". Clean through the heads, with a strong arc to the pocket, not a skid/snap reaction.
Thrown on typical league shot and it rolled great. It perfectly complements the strike zone drilled the same way. As bad as I have been throwing the ball, shot well for the two games I used it, 265, 243.
I drilled this out so it can handle carry down, being able to move right to get the ball to finish at the pocket, but not over react if I get it too early into the dry. Next time I see carry down, I think this will work for what I need.
Strike Zone was polished after 1200 white scotch brite.
Fury (36, out to 10) was 6 boards stronger with my feet than the strike zone (30 out to 10). This drilling gives more control on the midlane and backend. It is similar for me when compared to the pin under fingers drilling with a cg down and wight hole down, but this drilling gives a stronger back end reaction.
This drilling may not be necessary with todays stronger equipment (cores/coverstocks) but it still gives the same predictable reaction as in the past.
Just like with any other ball/drilling, if you can't carry then maybe its the ball you need to change or the line your playing.