Top weighted balls around 2 oz., when drilled inconjunction with side weight, normally end up with bottom weight. This makes the ball start hooking sooner, and rolling out quicker.
Balls starting with 2 1/4 - 2 3/4, when drilled inconjunction with side weight, end with sllight amounts of top weight, making the ball go longer and rolling smoother, more continuous, on the backend, sort of like an axis weight. Works better on drier lanes.
Balls starting with 3 - 4 oz. top wieght, when drilled inconjunction with side weight, start hooking midlane and more violent on the backend. Will roll out on drier lanes. Works better on medium lanes.
Balls starting with 4 1/2 + top weight, when drilled inconjunction with side weight, will roll earlier, more end over end. Works better when the heads are hooking and/or playing more direct.
Pins positions work the same as top weight does. Pins closer to your track make the ball roll more end over end. Works better on drier heads/fronts.
Pins closer to your axis point, give you more length and a smoother, more continous backend reaction. Works better on drier backends.
Pins between 2 - 5" from your PAP/positive axis point, give you a stronger backend reaction. Works better on medium conditions.
A 2-4" pin, means that the pin is 2-4" from the balls center of gravity marking on the ball.
Tops close to 3, means the starting top weight is close to 3 oz. =:^D
Edited on 8/12/2003 3:30 PM