I recently switched out some of my middle finger inserts from a lift to an oval. I use Vise #4. Is there a difference in thickness between the two, and does anyone have a suggestion on how much to move my middle finger hole to account for this? I am guessing there is a small thickness difference, as well as a small change in span that needs to be accounted for. The change in span would be due to changing the relative pitch of the hole. I know that when I moved to a forward pitch in my thumb, I had to make my span slightly smaller. I am guessing that changing to an oval changes your middle finger pitch about 1/4" (away), so that would require a very small increase in span. I drilled up a new ball with the same hole-to-hole measurements as before, but with the oval insert, the span feels slightly smaller. Anyone?
"This space for rent"
Edited by dR3w on 6/20/2011 at 9:37 AM