It all starts with your pap. I like using Mo Pinel''s dual angle technique, but for simplicity I''ll describe how I layout a symmetrical ball using the "normal" method.
Let''s say I want a ball that is 5 x 4. I''ll measure 5 inches from the pin in a semi-circle and then connect the dots. Then I''ll measure 4 inches from the cg and mark wherever it intersects with the semi-circle. That''s the pap.
Then I''ll choose how far I want the pin from my val and mark that. Then I draw the val vertically through that mark through the pap. If your pap is 5 inches over and 1 inch up, you''ll just measure it the opposite. Measure 1 inch down from your pap on the val, mark it, and then draw a horizontal line through that mark at 90 degrees from your val. Measure 5 inches over and mark it. That''s your grip center.
Just lay it out as usual from your grip center. That''s it.
Edited on 10/2/2009 7:12 PM