Bowlin for Beer,
Let's see if we can help you understand how to layout a ball using your PAP coordinates. PAP stands for Positive Axis Point. It is the rotional axis point that the ball is rotating on at the point of your release.
These coordiates are measured in a horizontal and vertical direction from the center of your grip.
So lets use my PAP as an example, I'm 5" over and 1/4" up. Let's say I've decided that I am going to use a layout that is a 60° X 4 1/2" X 30° on an Asymetrical ball.
Using a Prosect,
1st. I would first draw a line from the Pin "Low RG Axis" to the Mass Bias "Also called the PSA short for Preferred Spin Axis, and is also the High RG Axis of the ball.
2nd. I would then place the top of the Prosect on the center of the pin and align the edge of the 0° rib on the line just drawn from the pin to the Mass Bias.
3rd. Then on the Protractor of the Proscet I would mark the 60° point.
4th. Draw a line from the center of the pin through the mark at 60°. You need to draw this line longer than teh pin length you are looking for.
5th. Measuring from the center of the pin along the line you just drew mark your pin length at 4 1/2 inches. This is your PAP location.
6th. Turn the ball around and place the top of your Prosect at the PAP mark and align the 0° rib along the line you drew for pin length.
7th. Now on thh other side of the protractor make a mark at 30°.
8th. Draw a line from the 30° mark through the PAP mark. This line is the VAL "Vertical Axis Line"
9th. Now you can reverse your PAP coordinates to find the center of your grip. So for me I would measure down the VAL from the PAP 1/4" and mark it.
10th. Turn the Prosect 90° with 0 of the ruler at the mark just made and the 0° rib going up the VAL draw a line from the 0 mark to the left side of the prosect. This is the grip Midline
11th. Without moving the Prosect make a mark at 5".
12th. Turn the Prosect 90° to the midline and draw a line. This is the centerline.
From all of this you can then mark for your finger and thumb holes.
Rick Guined
Owner/Operator: New Millennium Proshop: PBA Regional Staff Player
IBPSIA Certified Technician
USBC Bronze Certified Instructor