Well I've always heard that pin distances like this (5-1/2" pin out ball) had some really interesting options for drillings. Well the other day I got a Tour Power in with such a pin distance and I'm trying to figure out how to drill and any pro's / con's of different drill patterns. I was originally going to just put the pin in a typical position for me, double drill the thumb, go shallow on the fingers and maybe put a weight hole down by the thumb. However, the more I thought about things, the more I thought that this idea was a waste of a good pin. Another thought was to just put the CG on my mid & gripline, stack the pin up high and polish the ball for a drier conditions. Since I haven't laid this ball out yet I'm worried that the later idea would put the pin really close to the point where the centerline and the VAL line converge.
Basically I'm not sure what to do with this ball...any ideas???