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Author Topic: people need to be more aware of drilling  (Read 3325 times)


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people need to be more aware of drilling
« on: April 22, 2004, 10:09:07 AM »
Here is the senerio... This year, i go to my ball driller back in august, and say i feel like my span is too short and i've been gripping the ball too much. He says ok, plugs my balls, redrills them. They felt funny, but i attributed this to the new feel of them.
A few months later, i am having severe problems with my accuracy and cleanness of my release, and it has resulted in me going from a 218 average to a 205 average. I thought maybe i was dipping my right shoulder too much, an all too often problem of mine. I worked on it, fixed it, and still had accuracy problems.
I then thought, well, maybe its that i am falling off at the end too much, another problem of mine. I work on it, and fix it. Same story with swinging behind my back. Nothing has improved my accuracy.
I then buy a gold angle on-line for just the shipping charges to bowl with on dirt. I found the finger grips are exactly the same as mine and the span is a quarter inch shorter than my new span for the year, a little longer then last years span at 4.5 inches.
i go bowling, and, amazingly, am feeling like my old self again with the angle. It is hitting where i am targetting with consistent speed and revs, something i was not accustomed to seeing. I thought about this difference after my set was over, and it popped into my head. My ball driller drilled my span too long and it was negatively affecting my release. i remembered that he never even measured my span using a ball, just added a half inch to my normal span. Come to find out, all year i've been bowling with too long of a span for my hand. I cant believe this has happened and am kind of relieved that i finally figured out my problem.
I thought i would post this to help anyone else in a slump to check their pitches and spans and maybe to change something to help their game out.

Edited on 4/23/2004 11:54 AM

Edited on 4/23/2004 5:09 PM



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Re: people need to be more aware of drilling
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2004, 02:15:04 AM »
Stan, there are lots of drillers like that all over the country. If a person has one, then if that person knows something about measurements, pitches, drilling, etc. he can get by with an incompentent driller as he can look over the driller's shoulder and tell him what he wants. That's what I have to do where I live as there are no good drillers around. The days of there being good drillers everywhere are long gone. There are a few good drillers out there and even on this site there are some good ones, but they aren't plentiful like they used to be.
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Re: people need to be more aware of drilling
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2004, 04:24:32 AM »

1. Obviously he should have measured something; not just drilled away.
2. He should have drilled up one ball for you to try.
3. You should have said something earlier about items #1 and #2. I'm afraid, that these two items are strictly common sense and have nothing specifically to do with bowling. The fault does not lie 100% with your driller, with whom I'd personally never deal again, anyway. You must accept part of the blame.

I'm surprised you haven't damaged tendons, ligaments or muscles in your hand.
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Re: people need to be more aware of drilling
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2004, 08:27:48 AM »
While he should have measured a new span, YOU are the one who went in and asked for a proper span to be lengthened.

Are you sure you didn’t indicate to them how much you wanted the span lengthened?

We show and recommend the proper span and pitch (admittedly our opinion) but will drill anything you ask for. But we mark down on your record that it was at your request.

It kills me how many times we have had old customers come in with a ball they got drilled elsewhere with the span more than ¼” longer. Then complain that they haven’t been bowling as well, that their hand hurts, but that they feel the new stretch span “feels better”. So we tell them to bowl with it, but they say it hurts and I don’t get a good roll, so we say then shorten it like we said or live with it. Generally they go ahead and shorten the span to our recommendation.

What feels better to me is bowl good and without pain.


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Re: people need to be more aware of drilling
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2004, 08:44:04 AM »
As usual, I agree 100% with CHARLEST .. the BALL DRILLER wold be one that I would NEVER see again .. however, in your case .. the driller isn't the only one at fault!
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Re: people need to be more aware of drilling
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2004, 10:21:01 AM »
I recently had my driller shorten my span by 1/16 and go from 3/8" reverse pitch to 1/8" reverse without measuring, but it was only on one ball.  I still haven't decided whether I'm going to change the rest or not.  The difference is very slight and there is almost no difference in the feel beause of the minor change.  Before anything was done, my driller and I discussed the changes and what the effects might be, then he redrilled the ball.

In your case, a 1/2" is a lot to change in the span, especially making it on all of your equipment at the same time.  That kind of change should have been on one ball to begin with.  That way you could have tested it to see if it felt right.  Quite honestly, I really wouldn't completely blame the ball driller.  After all, you're the one that told him to lengthen you span. The problem is, it sounds like you didn't discuss how much and what the affects of the change would be.


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Re: people need to be more aware of drilling
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2004, 11:16:35 AM »
You can't put all the blame on the driller here.  You asked for the span to be lengthened, and that's exactly what you got.  Did you discuss how much you wanted it lengthened, or did the driller make that judgement all by himself?  It's only common sense that you should have tried the new span on 1 ball to determine if you liked it before changing all your equipment.
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Re: people need to be more aware of drilling
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2004, 11:38:44 AM »
Truth of the matter is a good driller does more than just punch holes.  A good driller takes interest in learning how to best serve his customers.  He will ask you to throw a few frames to better understand your game and study your release prior, then make necesary adjustments.  But that being said, I do agree with brickguy concerning the limited amount of quality drillers overall.  So it's best that any serious bowler strive to learn more about ball drilling techniques as possible.  Particularly if you have one of the aforementioned drillers.  They tend to give you what they think you are asking for without knowing if it's what you need!  If I go and tell a doctor I need surgery, think he wouldn't ask why?  Even if I had a reply think he wouldn't examine me or have test's run first?  And I am sure he would want to know how long I have had this problem.  You should expect no less from a skilled ball driller either.  People bowl great games with bad drillings all the time.  I know I have.  But sooner or later it comes back to haunt you.  You will begin to slump badly or an injury of some type will occur.  I now have a driller who better understands my needs and how to meet them.  But it was a long journey getting to this point.  Stanski, bottom line is if you understand your needs well enough to make your own drilling request's then keep the guy (provided he can follow directions well and he gives you great discounts).  Otherwise seek out a real pro who will save you lots of time and dough in the long run.  Your game will love you for it.


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Re: people need to be more aware of drilling
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2004, 11:56:13 AM »
i do understand what most of you are saying about the blame not being fully place on the driller. I am partly responsible since i asked for it. What i dont understand is why when i asked him to lengthen it, and even suggested that he measure my hand, he told me, "no, you should be fine, i'll just drill 'em right up and you'll be good to go. I didnt suffer any injuries since i am young, and no soreness even came about. He did watch me throw the ball a few times, and took a small look at what it fit my hand like, and i figured that he knew what he was doing and that i was good to go.
i really didnt want to have this post blame the ball driller, i wanted it to help people to take a greater interest in their ball fit. if you'll notice though, i posted it at 1 in the morning and was rambling quite a bit lol. thanks to all who have responded, but please dont attack me personally so harshly next time. I never really took an interest in anything to do with balls until i began coming to this site, and never cared much about drilling. I figured i would leave it to my driller and he would know what he was doing. That was all i knew how to do, i didnt know any better. Now that im more aware of the technical aspects of bowling, i definately will pay attention to what my driller is doing.


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Re: people need to be more aware of drilling
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2004, 12:02:52 PM »
on note: i changed the topic name since it didnt really apply to what i was talking about


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Re: people need to be more aware of drilling
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2004, 01:10:27 PM »
What i dont understand is why when i asked him to lengthen it, and even suggested that he measure my hand, he told me, "no, you should be fine, i'll just drill 'em right up and you'll be good to go.

I wish you had included that part in the original post.  Now I agree that the driller was more at fault.  However, I still don't understand why you chose to change all your balls at once instead of testing the new span on 1 ball first.
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Re: people need to be more aware of drilling
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2004, 05:18:12 PM »
the reason i did this was because it was the beginning of the season. If you notice, it is now the end of the season, and i thought at first that it was a good change. does that answer your question?


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Re: people need to be more aware of drilling
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2004, 12:26:55 AM »
hahaha bullred!!! i see people like that all the time


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Re: people need to be more aware of drilling
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2004, 09:13:22 AM »
i do understand what most of you are saying about the blame not being fully place on the driller. I am partly responsible since i asked for it. What i dont understand is why when i asked him to lengthen it, and even suggested that he measure my hand, he told me, "no, you should be fine, i'll just drill 'em right up and you'll be good to go. I didnt suffer any injuries since i am young, and no soreness even came about. He did watch me throw the ball a few times, and took a small look at what it fit my hand like, and i figured that he knew what he was doing and that i was good to go.
i really didnt want to have this post blame the ball driller, i wanted it to help people to take a greater interest in their ball fit. if you'll notice though, i posted it at 1 in the morning and was rambling quite a bit lol. thanks to all who have responded, but please dont attack me personally so harshly next time. I never really took an interest in anything to do with balls until i began coming to this site, and never cared much about drilling. I figured i would leave it to my driller and he would know what he was doing. That was all i knew how to do, i didnt know any better. Now that im more aware of the technical aspects of bowling, i definately will pay attention to what my driller is doing.


I'm sorry this thread seemed to have become a "put the blame on Stanski". WHile I feel it was about 80-90% your driller's fault, all I said was that it was slightly your fault only because you let him do whatever he wanted to. Now that you seem to have more interest in how a driller's is setting up your span, you will probably never take drilling for granted again. Of course, this does not mean you should become obsessed with pin and MB positions, like too many of us  get. It can be self-defeating. However, a little knowledge goes a long way.

Any new driller you get should be willing to explain almost everything he does, without, of course, consuming his whole day or yours.

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