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Author Topic: Suitable lane condition for 'RICO' drilling  (Read 5324 times)


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Suitable lane condition for 'RICO' drilling
« on: June 09, 2008, 10:03:43 PM »
Just curious, (for guys that have balls with 'Rico' layout),
What was the best lane condition that you've used Rico on? Short vs Long? Heavy vs dry? Just based it from your experience.

(Please dont give me those theoretical stuff like e.g. Well, it depends on your release, your knowledge on what the Rico reaction stuff lol)

Kelentugi Utd.



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Re: Suitable lane condition for 'RICO' drilling
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2008, 10:49:07 AM »
Just curious, (for guys that have balls with 'Rico' layout),
What was the best lane condition that you've used Rico on? Short vs Long? Heavy vs dry? Just based it from your experience.

(Please dont give me those theoretical stuff like e.g. Well, it depends on your release, your knowledge on what the Rico reaction stuff lol)

Kelentugi Utd.

If you don't want the real answers why even ask?

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Re: Suitable lane condition for 'RICO' drilling
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2008, 10:52:31 AM »
my experience  was it was a STRONG layout.  but i also tried it on a strong ball (insite revelation) most people describe it as a smooth layout, but mine  had a flying backend and would usualy cover 10 boards in the last 3-4 ft.  

just my .002
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Dan Belcher

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Re: Suitable lane condition for 'RICO' drilling
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2008, 11:13:06 AM »
Apply some basic thoughts of ball drilling to determine what it'll do for you.  First off, your PAP is 5 1/2" over by 7/8" up according to your profile.  So, for you, putting the pin in grip center is going to put it over 5 1/2" from your PAP.  This means for you a Rico layout may be weaker than for someone with a PAP just 4" over.  That's why it's hard to generalize too much about the Rico layout, since it's very relative to your PAP instead of just being very defined numbers.  And for what it's worth, my PAP is similar to yours, 5 1/4" over by 3/4" up, and I have a similar rev rate to you, so theoretically you should see somewhat similar results to me.

So, you'll have a longer pin to PAP distance to get your some length and less flare.  However, putting the pin down well underneath the fingers will mean a little earlier roll and a slower transition to friction.  Add the big weight hole to get the bowtie up and improve the flare pattern and you're going to probably have a moderately strong amount of hook that should be very continuous once it gets going.  However, because of the long pin to PAP, you're going to find it gets pretty good length.  For you, depending on what ball you drill, it'd probably be good to use on shorter patterns where you have trouble with the ball checking early or overreacting when it finds friction.  Also bear in mind that if you throw the Rico layout on a ball that's skid/snap by nature, you're going to still get length and strong backend movement, and if you use the Rico layout on a rolly ball, it's going to react earlier and have more of an arch.  It's just the same as any other drilling in that regard.


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Re: Suitable lane condition for 'RICO' drilling
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2008, 12:41:14 PM »
So here is my story about RICO. My actual league or tournament equipment is all about Raw Hammer Series I have a real weak drilled Doom, a skid snap Toxic and a strong drilled Anger. In my book a real cool Arsenal to go. Even Doom and Toxic drilled to not overlap. I have 10 balls more but that was the decision.

Making off:
A friend also lefty give his Switch Blade away so i decided to give it a shot with the RICO, after asking for advice on this board. My driller did not know anything about RICO he was telling me, this is a Fullroller Drilling. I did it anyway. After a view shots i realized that he has sanding the Ball down, it was very dull. The Ball was making a short turn after the arrows and went to the gutter. After a very frustrating game came and told me "i told you this drilling is garbage".

I went home put it on the spinner and take it up to 4000 (no go), 2000 (no go), 1000 (yes baby). Finally at 1000 i had a real cool effect. The ball went about 45 feet and make very fast turn to the pocket.

I was very impressed because of 3 facts, compared with my competition equipment:

1) The angle at the breakpoint was incredible constant compared to my release. I assume this is called "forgiving".

2) I could almost draw 2 straight lines with the Ball. One to the Breakpoint and one to the Pocket. Sharp/fast turn with medium angle and the ball was not rolling out.

3) I that ball did not care about carydown. At this point i don't know if this is  because of the drilling, the relative dull surface or both.

The Disappointment:
The RICO Effect was all positive but i could not find a shot were i was more successful with my Blade then the other 3 balls. I know it sounds strange but its a fact. I put that ball away and decided to wait till end of season till i give it another shot.

The WOW Effect:
In the last big tournament i decided to go again with my 3 RAWs and a spare ball. By mistake my wife put my spare ball not in a double tote. Yes you guess it that one were my RICO blade was.
The Pattern on the tournament was very strange. 5 left and right without any oil then buffered short tree to 15 and inside off that a very heavy block of oil to 50 feet. The Anger was out of competition (far to strong), Toxic to jumpy and i could not find a line where the Doom was not jump to Brooklyn or leave a 7 pin. I was frustrated and at the end of the Day after 12 games on the last possible rang to the semifinals without any chance making it to the finals.
The second day i decide to go with the Blade. I was still playing deep inside but with much more success. I had a tunnel to the pocket about  8 boards big and i crushed the competition. End of story FIGJAM,
i finished on the second place with my lowest game 244.

Back home:
This ball sit still in the tote there is still no use in this area.

OK thank you for reading this. I have my day off sitting in garden killing time with my laptop.


it's almost always the indian and not the arrow
yes and i like this one also
don't go for a strike, go for a sure spare, we need 5 pins to win


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Re: Suitable lane condition for 'RICO' drilling
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2008, 01:12:03 PM »
i use my rico stuff on shorter lighter oil. in heavier longer stuff i want something thats gonna rev up alot faster
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Re: Suitable lane condition for 'RICO' drilling
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2008, 01:30:36 PM »
Just curious, (for guys that have balls with 'Rico' layout),
What was the best lane condition that you've used Rico on? Short vs Long? Heavy vs dry? Just based it from your experience.

(Please dont give me those theoretical stuff like e.g. Well, it depends on your release, your knowledge on what the Rico reaction stuff lol)

Kelentugi Utd.


I wasn't giving you a hard time. I was answering your question HONESTLY. You were AND are asking the wrong question. You're assuming that a Rico drilling converts every ball into the same ball nothing could be further from the truth.

You can use a Rico drilling on absolutely any lane condition from dry to heavy oil, depending on what ball you put it on, a Tropical Storm or a Resurgence. What you need and what your working with (ball, your release, the oil pattern) all determine, HONESTLY, what the ball does and how well it will work for you.

If you don't know that list of things I told you, you will NEVER know what a Rico Drilling can do for you. If you think that's theoretical, sorry 'bout that. It's not it's extremely practical.
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Re: Suitable lane condition for 'RICO' drilling
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2008, 03:50:30 PM »

all I can say is to try it out.  I have tried three balls, each different.  

What I have seen for me is that I like RICO more on a Asymmetrical ball, with a weight hole in the MB or near it, it increases the reaction, but the drilling keeps it controllable.  Try it without a hole, if it does not react enough, then add the weight hole.  

Three balls I have tried.  

Fear factor: best reaction I have seen, needed to take it up to 2000 abralon to save energy.  Can quit on the back end if your trying to cover too many boards.  But the best reaction overall.  This lead to more experimenting with RICO.    

Sidewinder:  not the right ball for me to do a RICO, I would need a lot more oil than what I see to make this ball really shine.  It just rolls too early for me, and if I polish it, it overlaps with some of my other balls.  If you don't have a lot of hand, or are speed dominant, this might be the ball for you.  just didn't work for me.      

Twisted Fury:  (no hole) the jury is still out on this one, it is very consistent, but I've had a hard time trying to fit it into my bag.  Right now its not even in the bag for league, and has only about 15 games on it.  I drillled it up at a tournament, for the shot there (OB outside of 6, inside just takes off) and haven't see that same pattern since.  For a THS, it's OK, some of my other balls work better.  The TF but design, gets down the lane very well, so maybe it just needs fresh/wet/dry to shine.  Just a FYI, TF did better on the shark pattern vs a ultra zone.  

I'm still trying to figure out where Rico works best, but it is also dependent on the ball.  But if I were to drill another, it would be Asymmetrical to fill a gap where a ball I am currently using is going to long and snapping to hard, I would switch to the same ball with the RICO layout.  

Hope that helps.  
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