all I can say is to try it out. I have tried three balls, each different.
What I have seen for me is that I like RICO more on a Asymmetrical ball, with a weight hole in the MB or near it, it increases the reaction, but the drilling keeps it controllable. Try it without a hole, if it does not react enough, then add the weight hole.
Three balls I have tried.
Fear factor: best reaction I have seen, needed to take it up to 2000 abralon to save energy. Can quit on the back end if your trying to cover too many boards. But the best reaction overall. This lead to more experimenting with RICO.
Sidewinder: not the right ball for me to do a RICO, I would need a lot more oil than what I see to make this ball really shine. It just rolls too early for me, and if I polish it, it overlaps with some of my other balls. If you don't have a lot of hand, or are speed dominant, this might be the ball for you. just didn't work for me.
Twisted Fury: (no hole) the jury is still out on this one, it is very consistent, but I've had a hard time trying to fit it into my bag. Right now its not even in the bag for league, and has only about 15 games on it. I drillled it up at a tournament, for the shot there (OB outside of 6, inside just takes off) and haven't see that same pattern since. For a THS, it's OK, some of my other balls work better. The TF but design, gets down the lane very well, so maybe it just needs fresh/wet/dry to shine. Just a FYI, TF did better on the shark pattern vs a ultra zone.
I'm still trying to figure out where Rico works best, but it is also dependent on the ball. But if I were to drill another, it would be Asymmetrical to fill a gap where a ball I am currently using is going to long and snapping to hard, I would switch to the same ball with the RICO layout.
Hope that helps.
Stats in profile.