I'm going to be taking a Rapid Fire off my friends hands for a mere 30 dollars, its got maybe 20 games on it. Its drilled Rico, and I've always wanted to try it out, so for $30 I figured what the hell, if it doesn't work out its easy to get a re-drill out of it. I know that in general, the Rico promotes a early, very even arc to the pocket, and is probably one of the most consistent moving reactions you can get out of a drill (at least that's what I've been gathering based on the posts around these parts.
. My PAP is higher than average, being 5 3/4 over and 1/4 up. I was wondering if I would get a very similar reaction or what I could expect from it.
My guess, correct me if I'm wrong is that the distance from Pin to PAP would be longer, so it would go slightly longer than when my friend through it (I think his PAP is 5 or 5 1/8). Or does the distance get negated completely with the exotic drilling?
"So there I was... BALLS DEEP!!!"
My Arsenal:
Storm Ace
Roto-Grip RSX
Ricochet Revenge
Total NV