So I've spent the last few years tinkering with just 4.5 inch pin to pap distances. One RICO, pin under, pin in middle finger, pin above. The differences in reaction aren't gargantuan, but definitely noticeable. Now I think when the time comes for a new ball, I'm going to venture out into shorter/longer pins. I have a general idea of what a 5 inch pin to PAP or a 4 inch pin to PAP would do, and get an idea of how hard they snap/early they roll depending on pin height. The one area of a ball I'm confused about is the VAL, or there about. What would a 4 inch pin to PAP, pin on VAL do to a reaction? What about 4 inch pin right of above and to the right of middle finger, but before the VAL be like? I'm very curious, and don't have the resources to tinker right now.
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