Admittedly, when I said spoke of being tapped I was generalizing a bit. It isn't so much any one pin not falling down. I am "Keeper of the back row". My 10 pins leaves are probably the best example. I know how and why they are well as how to adjust to it. The problem that is frustrating is when I throw a good shot, that is a tad wide or tight per carry % is not as good as other bowlers on my teams and/or leagues. I get messengers, but they are more for show than actually taking out pins that remain standing. LOL.
Ten-pins are not the only problem. I also tend to leave a lot of the typical stone 8, 9-pin, and 7-pin leaves. As I said, I know why these are left and how to adjust to carry that particular leave, but if I make a move I leave something else as it seems like I don't have enough if I move left...a little too much to square up. I know when I toss a bad shot and don't expect gimmees, but would like to have some of the area I see other people getting. This leads back to my original post of whether of not different specs allow for more area or carry percentage. I realize on any given day or house my style may match up better than another, Just curious if there are any rules of thumb that may explain it sometimes. Thanks