cooksey, first find the ending CG. Start with the first line just to the right of the ring finger, instead of thru the label in step 1. Then follow the steps to find the ending CG.
Seeing as though you like the way the ball reacts, we're not going to change it's position, but we'll decrease the total weight in that location. This should get the ball to start sooner. Just drill a hole thru the X after finding the ending CG.
Weigh the ball up for top weight using X as your CG, just like you would in a brand new ball. However much top weight it reads, drill out half of it. If it reads 2 oz. top on the X, then drill out 1 oz. using a 25/32 bit 2 1/2" deep.
Before putting the balance hole in, check to see if it will flare over that spot. Do this by checking the oil rings to see if they cross where the hole will go. If not, drill your hole.
If the flare rings cross where the hole will go, check back with me and we'll make an adjustment to where the hole will be drilled. =:^D