Whether it deviates 3" or 1", trust me it deviates...which is my point. Norm deviates it because he is good enough to change it and be consistent 99% of the time with it.
Whereas you and i being amateurs, ours as well as the majority of bowlers out there today will fluctuate.
So my point is everybodies PAP fluctuates from shot to shot, so at what skill level does it stop fluctuating? At what skill level does it take to reconize the differences between a pin up vs. pin down ball? Based on this theory of untill a certain skill level is attained drilling is irrelevant, it doesnt matter how a person drills their stuff till say 220 average?
If a bowler throws 10 shots, and 6 of them roll perfect at a PAP measured 5" over 1/2" up,and the other 4 vary to a degree, shouldnt his ball be drilled assuming his PAP is 5" over and 1/2" up for those 6 out of 10 shots?
Taking your lunch money, one strike at a time....