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Author Topic: Under Palm  (Read 1713 times)


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Under Palm
« on: June 10, 2010, 10:41:32 AM »

Can someone please give me a definition of "drilling under palm" and also the advantages and disadvantages of it?

Thanks folks



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Re: Under Palm
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2010, 01:39:39 PM »
Well, if your talking about thumb pitch this might help. Under the palm would be considered right thumb pitch if your a right handed player. Opposite if your lefty. For instance my thumb pitch is 1/8 Under the palm and I also have 3/16 reverse. Moving the pitch left or right is considered lateral. It is determined on how flexible your thumb is and also how your thumb is attached to your hand.

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Thumb Pitches- lateral
Lateral thumb pitches IMO are overused in this industry.

Too many bowlers have too much away from palm on their thumbholes.

What this leads to, is the lowering of ball track, the lessening of recover-ability on their ball roll, and poor consistency of release. It can also give damage to the outside of the thumb, as it is comming out of the hole rubbing on that part of the thumb.

The coke bottle test and its similar alternatives give a good indication overall of the shape of the hand, but please LIMIT the amount of left or right lateral you have to what is absolutely needed to promote a strong axis tilt and rotation.

Coke bottle test:

Place hand on coke bottle and grip like a bowling ball. When drilling, because I am not a coke fan, I just ask the customer to grip my wrist, as it gives the same effect.
If the thumb is pointing:
Past the Index finger to the left - 1/4 lateral away from palm
At the Index finger - 1/8 lateral away from palm
Between the Index and Middle fingers - 0
At the Middle finger - 1/8 lateral under palm
Between middle and ring fingers - 1/4 lateral under palm
At the Ring (very very rare) - 3/8 lateral under palm

** Remember to ask your pro-shop operator to have a ball fit correctly...