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Author Topic: my pap and my current arsenal  (Read 970 times)


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my pap and my current arsenal
« on: April 11, 2006, 07:53:09 AM »
hey guys i need some help. had my axis point checked last week and it is now 3 1/2" over by 1/2" up. i have two balls drilled with the pin above the bridge, cg swung out about 2", on e is a trifecta, the other is a recharge. so this would mean that these are laid out about 3 3/4" pin, cg at 2". the trifecta has a weight hole about 5" over from my gripline. i guess it has changed since i last had it checked. but my question is since i am a tweener with good revs and good speed, would these layouts force me to play further right than normal? it seem to me that the trifecta is a stout ball. but when everyone else is openiing up the lanes, i don't get a very good look trying to cross boards. what do you guys think, are these drilled pretty weak? should i drill up something with a 4- 5 inch pin? any suggestions?
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Re: my pap and my current arsenal
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2006, 04:55:00 PM »
From your description, these are laid out fairly strong, If you have a decent rev rate, you may need more oil or more head oil. The Trifecta may be burning up early in the heads or the midlane. However,the Recharge is a polished pearl. It should be clearing the heads very well, unless they are really dry, and saving a good amount of energy for the backend.

HOWEVER, .... people who turn the ball as early as you do and with so much apparent axis tilt, usually need stronger surfaces or early revving balls. Pins above the bridge are for length, under normal circumstances; not sure if these balls are good for your current release.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Edited on 4/11/2006 4:54 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."