Bowling balls have 2 RG's, not 1. They have a max and a min. The max is when the core is standing up and the min is when the core is laying down. One is the X axis and the other is the Y axis.
When the pin is 0 inches from the PAP, the RG is the minimum value.
As you move the pin towards your track the RG increases to the maximum value when it's 6 3/4" from your PAP.
When you lay out a ball, the distance the pin is from your PAP determines what the RG is, based on the balls high and low RG numbers.
So, as you can see, the RG changes due to the layout/pin distance to PAP, irrelevant to drilling of the holes..!!
Jabroni slapped in the face, AGAIN..!! =:^D
For further reference, check out this thread...