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Author Topic: Tape - where do you place it...  (Read 3640 times)


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Tape - where do you place it...
« on: April 09, 2007, 09:17:07 PM »
...inside of the thumb hole? Background: after a pitch correction to help me get out of the thumb hole more cleanly I started experimenting with tape and ended up adding one piece (white) at about 8 o'clock (back/side of thumb) and 2 pieces at 12 o'clock (under the thumb). The 2 pieces are "staged", the first ending under the bevel and the other is 3-4mm deeper.

I have the feeling that I can hold the ball more relaxed now, for a cleaner thumb exit and easier revs. It works, and there is still some space in the hole, even though I can feel the tape when I try to turn the thumb in the hole. I seem to have cranked the thumb before too much. Only thing I wonder about is that I read that one should not put (too much) tape under the finger, since it increases the span?

Additionally, how do others place their tape and at which thickness?
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany



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Re: Tape - where do you place it...
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2007, 05:46:26 AM »
The one thing that is important is that you are not creating an edge that can rub your thumb until it starts to get sore.
I tell all of our customers that if you look and the thumb hole as a clock, imagine putting your white tape at 1:30, and your black tape at 7 ( for your right handed bowlers) you want the textured tape on the front of the thumb ( for gripping purposes) and the slick tape on the backside.
It works without putting a whole lot of undo pressure that might hurt you


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Re: Tape - where do you place it...
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2007, 06:26:16 AM »
I have tried both ways, white tape under thumb and black tape under and for me, have found the black under and white back side works the best. I do like the quicker exit the black tape offers but needed the 'space' taken up by the white.

I have a wide thumb and no matter how I work the hole, I do need the tape to have a good fit. I have not found the tape to make that much difference in pitch, unless you are using more than two or you use the Ebonite tape doubled as it's thicker than pro grip tape. But, it is a personal thing and as long as it works for you, then you've found the answer.

Keep in mind, what works for one will/might not work for another. As long as you exit as you wish, the feel to you is comfortable, then there you have it.

Happy Bowling.
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: Tape - where do you place it...
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2007, 08:19:51 AM »
My hands get pretty damp and sweaty...and therefore so does my thumb.

As a result, I've found that the Black Tape actually becomes more "tacky" for me and I tend to hang up in it more, whether in the front or the back.  It may start out as smooth, but quickly changes.

I consequenlty use white textured for both front and back, which seems to handle moisture better...this has worked well for me.  I also put it at more of of a 7:30 / 1:00 position to snug up front to back.


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Re: Tape - where do you place it...
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2007, 12:16:54 PM »
I place white tape in the back(3/4)at about 7:30 & nothing in the front. I use as much as I need in the back & it doesn't affect span or pitch.
Think about it!

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Re: Tape - where do you place it...
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2007, 04:17:44 PM »
I oversize my thumb hole 1/32" from a snug fit, use one or two pieces of white tape in the front of the hole where the pad of my thumb rests and a Magic Carpet on the back of the hole directly across from the white tape.  Best release I've ever had.  --  JohnP


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Re: Tape - where do you place it...
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2007, 11:19:08 PM »
I like the magic carpet stuff also.  I don't need any tape in any parts of the thumb hole.

I don't need a stupid
signature. This is enough.

Mike Austin

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Re: Tape - where do you place it...
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2007, 01:55:07 AM »
Tape is definitely my friend.  Down here the humidity is bad, and I'm getting fatter.  I like lots of tape, 4-7 pieces of 1" White.  I usually put 1-2 on the front side at about 2:00.  The Rest goes on the back side at about 7:00 until snug.  I've used black before, but there was alot of difference between different companies' black tape.  The white is about the same all around.  I change the tape out fairly often too, clean tape feels better.  I stagger or stage the pieces like dizzy said, and don't usually put more than two in the front so as not to make the span longer.
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Re: Tape - where do you place it...
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2007, 02:52:20 AM »
I put white tape on the front and backside...I like the secure feeling it gives me, without feeling like I have to grab it with my thumb.
University at Albany 2007
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Re: Tape - where do you place it...
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2007, 03:01:04 AM »
Thank you all for the replies!


Keep in mind, what works for one will/might not work for another. As long as you exit as you wish, the feel to you is comfortable, then there you have it.

Exactly, that is what made me ask! I am quite content with my setup, and it seems to be a true progress. I have rather slender fingers and thumb, and in colder times the thumb shrinks considerably. When it gets warmer, I suppose that I'll take out some tape under the thumb once it becomes more warm and humid, but we'll see.

Up until last summer, tape was just something I thought I had no use for.

Sound much like me. I used to get along without tape, too. But when I did some training sessions I met a (advanced) local bowler on the neighboring lane, and he suggested some tape since I was throwing the ball quite upward. I always thought that I needed a wide open thumb hole, because I had problems with the bevel some time ago. But after some experiments, I feel confident that I "discovered" an new option to improve my game, together with some other changes like making the approach to the foul line with flexed knees for a better knee bend, slide and balance.

You never know, there is always something new to learn out there

Once more, thank you all of for your thoughts, experience and suggestions
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany